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'Your brother never told you never to threaten a man's family? It's a pretty stupid thing to do

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'Your brother never told you never to threaten a man's family? It's a pretty stupid thing to do.'

'You got that right.'


After Blake Toretto had received her money from her unworthy opponent, she made her way to the spot where Dom would try and lure Shaw out of the shadows. Knowing Letty was the races, it meant the man wouldn't be far behind. The girl parked her car in the shadows, shutting off the end before heading upstairs to get ready. As she reach the roof, she wasn't surprised when she saw Hobbs leaning against the railing looking at his watch.

'You're late,' He stated.

'Oh, kiss my culo,' She retorted as she rolled her eyes.

He scoffed before turning away to look out at the city as Blake picked out the dirt from under her nails with her knife, silence coming over the pair. She liked it this way, and was glad she didn't have to talk to the cop. The sound of distance engines of cars from the races could be heard, along with the occasional annoyed honks from the public. The stars were sprayed above their heads as the city lights danced in front of them. It was a pretty sight.

She sighed as the sounds of two engines entered the area below, before they parked opposite each other. Blake instantly recognised the red Daytona to be Dom's and the black Jensen as Letty's, smirking to herself at the sight of them being near each other again. The girl lowered herself down onto the ground below her feet, resting her head on the metal railing before she closed her eyes. She was tired, having not slept in two days because of the reoccurring nightmares; she was sick of them. Han was constantly worrying, and it seemed the rest of the team was as well after being woken up numerous times because of her screaming.

Dominic smirked as he watched Letty get out of her car before he did the same, 'You're still upshifting early.'

Blake smile softly at the statement, she remembered that was one of Letty's only flaws when she raced. There was one race when she had almost beaten the older girl, but Letty up shifted causing her to loose control of the car. A breathless chuckle left her mouth at the memory, before he smile slowly faded away.

'I do that so you brake,' Letty retorted.

'You lose traction and the back end kicks out,' Dom stated.

'I noticed. Look, just because you know how I ride, doesn't mean you know me.'

'You know what they say where we're from?' Letty looked at him curiously; 'Show me how you drive, I'll show you who you are. V8. You never could resist American muscle... Nice scar. You never could keep yourself out of trouble, either.'

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