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'Blake, I'm so sorry

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'Blake, I'm so sorry. I should've let you deal with Kamata earlier. This is all my fault.'

'No, it's not. Don't talk like that, Han, nothing is going to happen. We're going to be ok.'


It had been a week since Blake Toretto and her brother had arrived in Tokyo, and today was the day they were going to speak to Uncle Kamata about paying off Han's debt to his company; wanting access to live there in return. The girl slid out from under her Fastback, wiping the grease off her hands as she placed the wrench down onto the concrete floor.

She slowly stood and made her way over to where the rest of the crew sat, talking about the races they were to attend tonight if Kamata let Han and herself back into the city he owned. She shoved Twinkie slightly as he made a comment about Morimoto hitting on the girl he had been chatting up the other night, but her smile gave her away; of course, she wasn't made at the boy, how could she be.

'Come on, let's go. We got a citizenship to apprehend,' She called, smiling down at her family.

'How about a quick drive around the city before we head over?' Han suggested.

'Han, we can't go to the races tonight without Kamata's permission.'

'Oh, loosen up, Blakey, what harm can it do?' Twink spoke up, nudging the girl with his elbow.

'It can do a lot of harm if a Yakuza catches us,' Blake huffed; 'Fine, one quick drive and then straight to Kamata's. Got it?'

The crew cheered as quickly made their way over to their cars, Sean and Neela in his Evo, Earl and Reiko catching a ride with Twink as Blake slid into Han's RX-7. The green eyed girl still seemed unsure about the whole thing, the unsettling bad feeling coming over her body at the thought of not seeing Kamata first. Han laid a comforting hand on her thigh, squeezing lightly to reassure her of the idea; they'd be ok. So he thought anyway, his own feeling of uneasiness settling in his stomach. The man shook his head and started the engine before slowly pulling out into the street behind the others, following behind in a straight line.

Blake sighed before she mustered up the biggest smile she could and turned up the radio, hoping the music would calm her nerves. She could feel her body relax almost instantly at the beat of her favourite song, bopping her head slightly to the rhythm. She began singing loudly to the lyrics, Han joining in soon after; his own smile playing on his lips. The girl pulled out her phone as they pulled up at a red light and began videoing her brother as he went all out during the guitar solo. His head moving backwards and forward harshly, his hair becoming even more messy after each head bang, as he played the air guitar.

A loud honk of a horn tore the pair out of their little duet, silencing them both as Blake looked in the rear view mirror of the car as they drove forward. Her blood ran cold at the face she saw behind them, her face visibly paling. The girl's eyes snapped to the side of Han's face as he drove, fear clear in her eyes. His face was relaxed in his usual calm manner, it seemed he hadn't looked back at who was behind them as he shifted gears; the car gaining speed easily.

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