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'If it ain't Blake Toretto

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'If it ain't Blake Toretto. What are you doing back here?'

'What does it look like I'm here to do? Try to get with one of you cadelas?'


It was around two in the afternoon when a soft tap at the door tore Blake Toretto out of her sleeping state, a soft yawn leaving her mouth. After wiping her eyes clear of sleep, she rolled over to see her best friend standing in the door way with Vince beside him looking smug. She threw her feet off the bed and ran over to him in an instant, crushing him in a tight hug.

'Hey, princessa,' Han cooed.

'Hey, brother,' She replied, the smile never leaving her face.

'I got a surprise for you.'

The girls eyes looking at him curiously as he chuckled softly at her, shaking his head. He wasn't giving her any clues, neither was Vince as she gave him the same look. She huffed before following the men with a skip in her step, not a care in the world. She hadn't seen Dom or the crew for a day and it made her feel a little better, though the rumours of Luke Hobbs being in town only made her angry. They weren't in America anymore and he couldn't do a thing to catch her in Brazil, not whilst she was alive and kicking.

'Han, what's going on? Where's the surprise?' Blake whined like a three year old.

The men chuckled but continued walking, completely ignoring the whining girl behind them. The rev of an engine caused her to stop, recognition crossing her face before excitement took over. A large grin took over her face as she bolted down the stairs, pushing between the middle of the pair in front of her.

'You aren't pulling my leg, are you? Is this seriously my car?' She squealed.

She was in awe as she stared at the barely recognisable Challenger, Reiko's design imprinted up both sides of the car and the paint job was flawless. That was her car, and everything about it screamed Blake Toretto.

'Yes, princessa, that's your car. But you're missing something,' Han replied with a chuckle.

'What do you-'

Blake jumped when the loud honk of a horn made her spin back around to her car with wide eyes, shock evident on her face as she saw who was behind the wheel. She ran over to the opening car door with her arms open and her smile wider as her two favourite people climbed out of the car, grinning her way. 

'Blakey! My girl,' Twinkie called as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

'Twink,' She muttered into his hair before turning to his partner; 'Sean. How's the new DK of Tokyo?'

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