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'Yo, bosses, we're just going to go for a drift with Earl, that cool?'

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'Yo, bosses, we're just going to go for a drift with Earl, that cool?'

'Go ahead, be back before lunch.'


Six months later, Blake Toretto walked down the stairs of Roman's jet, a wide grin on her face as she turned back to look at Han and wave Roman off. The man laughed and waved back, before disappearing back inside. She smiled as she wrapped her arm around Han's shoulders, all but skipping as they headed towards the building. She opened her mouth as Han unwrapped some gum for her, snatching the piece from his finger with her teeth before she chewed on it contently.

The girl was excited to be back, but worried about Yakuza finding out they were back. That in itself could end it their death. Han and herself had spent a little more time then they had planned in LA, four months to be exact, before they headed to Brazil for two months. Han hadn't minded taking his time on the journey over, he wanted to try and push past all the bad memories before he came home. Blake, on the other hand, had tried as best she could in those four months to catch up on the ten years she missed with her family, before staying with Rosa until Nico's sixth birthday.

As the doors to the building came into view, she unwrapped her arm from around Han and ran inside. He smiled as she skipped along the concrete, a huge grin sitting on her lips. Through the glass windows, Han could see the crew standing patiently on the other side; unknowingly about to be ambushed by his sister.

'Twinkie!' She yelled as she got closer to the group.

Blake smiled widely as she launched herself at Twinkie, the teen catching her easily as he wrapped her arms around her and rock them side to side before she kissed his cheek. The crew chuckled as she moved to hug Sean, squeezing him tight and kissed his cheek before she moved to greet Reiko and Earl with open arms. Han greeted them all one by one as he finally reached the group, receiving hugs from all.

'Blakey, my girl, you do not understand how happy I am that you're back,' Twinkie called.

'Yeh, we've missed the Drift Queen,' Sean added on.

'Well, we're glad to be back. Now, let's get out of here before someone from Yakuza sees us,' Blake said in a hurried tone.

They all chuckled as she performed some clumsy karate moves as she made her way out the doors and towards Twinkie's Hulk. Han was happy to see the girl acting like herself again, the past few years had been hard on the both of them; though some scars would be harder to hide than others. The crew made their way out the doors and over to the cars to find an awestruck Blake staring at a hidden car with wide eyes. Earl, Reiko and Twinkie smiled and began shoving each other, proud of their work, while Han watched on confused.

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