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'What a rush

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'What a rush.'

'For who?'


The crew sat sadly around a large table in the Toy Shop, everyone silent as they replayed the scene of their sister dying in their mind. They had all cried when they got back to the hideout, but it had ceased a while ago; though Letty silently cried from where she sat on the stairs. She looked up when Little Nobody entered the room again, Roman paused his pacing for a second as they all turned to look at him.

'Anything?' Hobbs asked from where sat.

'They're gone,' Little Nobody confirmed; 'And D.O.D confirmed it was a nuclear football. He's got an EMP and nuclear launch codes. I don't know what it is, but they're building towards something.'

Tej sighed from where he sat, rubbing his hands over his head as Roman huffed in annoyance as he continued to pace. Letty stared blankly out into the air, tears continuing to roll down her face. No one spoke for a few seconds, all stuck in their own thoughts.

'Deckard?' Hobbs asked quietly.

Little Nobody sighed, 'He didn't make it.'

Hobbs muttered under his breath before he stood, slamming his fist into the metal door as he passed it; sending a loud bang throughout the building. The whole crew jumped looking at the man as he walked away, his head low and muscles tense.

'What about Blake?' Roman asked.

Little Nobody looked at them all, before he muttered a no; his head low. Roman swore loudly as he ran his hands over his head again, before he walked over to Letty and wrapped his arms around her as she cried quietly. Ramsey looked down at the table after placing her hand in Tej's as a gesture of comfort, the man wiping away the tears that left his eyes. Their sister was gone.


Blake Toretto's body lurched upward as her back arched as the paramedic hit her with the defibrillator, a loud gasp leaving the previously dead girl's mouth before her eyes shot open. She coughed as she sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes to rid of the weariness. She blinked a few times, before taking the small cup of water from the paramedic; taking a sip, before she handed it back.

'What a rush,' She muttered.

'For who?' A voice asked.

The youngest Toretto jumped before she looked to her left to find Mia smiling softly at her, the woman motioning to the other side of the ambulance with her head. Blake paused for a second before she turned to find Brian grinning at her, causing her to shake her head. She laughed loudly as she wrapped her arms around her sister, pulling her close before she did the same to Brian.

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