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'What the maldito do you think you're doing in here?'

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'What the maldito do you think you're doing in here?'

'Blakey, my girl. Uh, we were just, uh-'


Blake Toretto bowed towards her boss before she exited the room, a huge grin trying not to break out on her face as she did so. Kamata had said yes to letting her go to Brazil, only because she had been so loyal to Yakuza these past months. She smiled at the boy's as she walked out to the bar area, their arms wrapping around her as they grinned towards her. As Rumi and Dennis released her, she waved Takashi over as he walked in the door; sending the boys backwards a little as he made his way over.

Takashi quickly hugged the girl before taking in the excited expression on her face, 'What's got you so happy, Be?'

'Your Uncle just granted me a few months to go to Brazil to do some errands and help my nephew,' The girl smiled.

'So you won't be here to hand in the next shipment?'

'I've sorted out the details, you'll be getting it early.'

The man nodded appreciatively at her and began to walk away until she called his name, he turned his body and his eyes met her instantly.

'You up to do some racing tonight for me, Ta?' She asked with a smirk.

'I can't say no to you. I'll do a few, I'm not racing all night. I have got a line of women waiting for me, you know.'

Blake pulled a disgusted face before thanking him and leaving, the two rookies flanking her as she made her way out front. The sun sat low in the sky as they drove home, music pumping through the speaking as the boys danced in their seats and sung along off key. She couldn't help but laugh at them, their laughter was contagious. Her cheeks were hurting by the time she shut of the engine after pulling up into the garage, parking her car off to the side.

The green eyed girl's eyes scanned the empty garage with worried eyes, the crew didn't have anything planned tonight; they would've told her, especially after last time. She popped a strip of gum into her mouth as she walked up the stairs, before a frown appeared on her face at the quiet murmuring coming from her room; the one she had claimed after her brother's death, it was his old one. Her eyes darkened significantly, the crew knew her room was off limits; she couldn't have stressed it enough.

She stormed into the room and slammed her hand against the open door, the crew crowded around her bed with Kat sitting with her back against her bedhead; the box that Sean had saved from their house in the States was wide open, photos and little knick knacks sat on the bed. Their heads snapped in her direction, a few screams left their mouths at the sudden noise, before their faces paled significantly at the look on their boss' face. They knew right then and there, they were in for it.

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