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'Sounds like a plan

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'Sounds like a plan. Kat. Dennis. You're up.'

'What? Why?'


Blake Toretto drove into the gas station, pulling up beside the pump before she nodded to Sean and slid out the car; the boy mimicking her actions. She sent a tight smile towards the three men who had run over to clean her windows and turned to grab the nozzle as Sean opened the fuel tank before he leant on the side of the car, watching as she filled it up. The pair hoped that Rumi and Carter wouldn't mess up the drill they had known for so long, otherwise they would have to drive further to steal tires.

As the pump clicked, telling the girl that her tank was full, Sean walked inside to pay before he walked outside and allowed their plan to start. Blake walked forward with a smile and wrapped her arms around the boy, giving a quick kiss to his cheek before she turned away to get back into the car. She took a deep breath and she fell to the ground, pretending to have fainted; her eyes close and her body limp as Sean ran over. The ground was hot beneath her as the bright sun hit her skin, the shadow from Sean's body brought her some relief from the heat.

'Bridgette! Bridgette, can you hear me?' He exclaimed as he shook her body; 'I need help! Can someone help me? She fainted! Bridgette, please, wake up!'

It took everything in Blake not to start laughing as the men who were cleaning her car ran over muttering among themselves, Sean's acting skills were just too good. No matter how many times they did this, it was never not funny; people were just too gullible.

'Please, help! I need some water and some candy for when she wakes up! Go, now!' Sean exclaimed again.

The men ran inside, talking quite loudly as they threw orders at each other, leaving the pair in silent as the boy continued to shake her lightly. As he ran his hand over her hair, she knew that Rumi and Carter had finished their job and it was time to end their charade. Slowly, she sat up, a soft groan leaving her mouth as she raised a hand to her forehead; her eyes closing briefly as she acted like she had a headache.

'Sam? What... What happened?' She groaned as she opened her eyes again.

'Hey, baby, it's ok. You fainted, how are you feeling?' He replied softly as he placed a hand on the small of her back.

'I feel sick. Can you take me home?'

'Yeh, sweetheart. Do you think you can stand?'

Blake nodded slightly as the men came back outside with a bottle of water and some candy sticks, passing them quickly to Sean; who held the open bottle of water to her lips, allowing her to take a sip before popping some candy into her mouth. She placed her hand in his as he slowly helped her up from the ground and placed her in the passenger seat of the car, doing her seatbelt up and shutting her door.

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