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'What's wrong princessa?'

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'What's wrong princessa?'

'Something's wrong, something bad's going to happen.'


It had been a genuinely quiet night at the garage, no parties or racers to attend. It was nice. Blake Toretto sat on top of the hood of her Fastback, flicking through a car magazine as chewed her gum whilst Reiko sat beside her and spoke quickly about the new paint job she had set up for her Challenger. Though the girl had hardly been listening to her friend, her head was stuck up in the clouds as she tried to imagine her car with a different spray job.

'Hey Reiko, do you think you could make a design that screams Toretto?' She queried without looking up.

'Of course,' Reiko exclaimed.

The sound of her fingers tapping away on her keyboard filled the room, Blake chuckled softly; that girl was always full of ideas. She never failed to astound everyone with her skills. Footsteps entered from behind the pair, causing the girl to spin around to see who had showed up. She smiled when she saw Twinkie and Sean approaching with snacks in hand, wide smiles on their faces. She smiled in return before turning back to Reiko who had a design already made up on the screen of her laptop.

Blake's jaw dropped at the sight of it, it was perfect. The design was silver, white and red; it was a cross, identical to the one hanging around her neck, with the chain flowing up the side of the car before turning into tire tracks. It was the Toretto family in one design. Reiko had changed the colour of her car to black so the design stood out and it completed the entire look.

'Reiko, you are amazing, girl! How much for it?' She exclaimed, her face still in awe of the whole thing.

'Nothing, Blake, this is my gift to you. I don't know what for, but it's yours,' Reiko explained.

'Han! Guys! You have to come look at this.'

Reiko chuckled at her friend's antics as Blake wrapped her in a tight hug, her smile beaming. The rest of the crew gathered around and commented Reiko the design, making the small girl blush. Everyone chatted about getting their car designed next, and the girl couldn't be any happier.

Two strong arms wrapped around Blake's shoulders from behind, and she leaned back into the person's chest comfortably. Twinkie chuckled at her reaction, holding her a little tighter before she looked up with a wide smile.

'Girl, your car is going to look sick,' He cooed.

Her laugh echoed through the garage, 'And you're gonna be first to see it, Twink.'

The teen kissed her hair before cheering and boasting to the rest of the crew, who complained in protest. The rest of the afternoon was spent laughing and fixing cars, the chatter never ceasing.

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