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'Who is that?'

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'Who is that?'

'That, my friends, is my brother. Dominic Toretto.'


The busy streets around the Yakuza Mafia made Blake Toretto feel claustrophobic, and very nervous. She was sure Takashi had told his uncle by now about her arrival, as well as her brother's death. A deep sigh left her mouth before she slid out of her car and stormed up the alley which lead to Kamata's place, her hands bound into fists by her sides. No one around her seemed to take notice of the girl with the large duffel bag in hand and deadly look on her face, she was glad for that.

As she reached the end of the alley way, guards surrounded the door to what seemed to be Kamata's meeting place. Blake bowed respectively to the men and went to pass them, surprisingly, they didn't stop her as she made her way into the restaurant. The girl marched up towards the back of the room to where Kamata sat with some of his lady friends, Takashi standing off to the side. She threw the bag down on the table in front of the older man, catching his attention straight away.

'Bee, I didn't think you'd ever show up,' Takashi chided.

Blake didn't waste a second before slapping him hard, tears pricking her eyes at the thought of the pain this man had caused her. She was quickly restrained by some henchman as her old boss glared at her as he clutched his cheek where a red mark was forming, meeting her broken glare. The men began to dragged her back towards the door as she struggled against them, before all of a sudden they stopped and she looked up to see Kamata motioning for her to come over.

'What is your business here, Miss Toretto?' The man said slowly.

'I came to offer you a deal,' She stated before she received a nod to continue; 'As you may have heard my brother was murdered last night in a car accident, we were hit by a silver Mercedes on our way over here to offer you the same deal in order for us being able to live here again.'

Kamata nodded before motioning for his women of the day to leave, motioning for his guards to shut the place down. He then motioned for her to take a seat as his nephew took one also, the glare still stuck on his face.

'What... Deal are you planning on offering us?' He spoke up.

'In this bag there is over eight million dollars U.S, if you choose to take the money I get to live here peacefully with my family. If not, I'll be out of here in the next few days,' Blake informed before she unzipped the bag to show him the money.

'You really think you can just buy us off?' Takashi spat.

'Yes, I do because money is the most important thing in Yakuza beside gun power.'

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