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'Blake, what's going on?'

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'Blake, what's going on?'

'This gilipollas doesn't seem to understand the definition of privacy, or why I don't consider him family.'


Blake Toretto stood quickly when she heard the sudden silence at the other end of the garage before Mia started yelling, she dropped the rag she was using and stood. Her gun sat securely in her hand as she approached the other side of the garage, raisin it quickly when she saw Brian; walked forward quietly.

As she saw Vince, she lowered her gun, 'What's going on, Vinnie?'

'Reyes' men were waiting for Mia at the markets,' He replied cautiously.

The girls blood boiled as she turned, putting her gun in the waistband of her jeans and grabbing her knife from the bench before placing it in its cover which was currently strapped to her leg. She pulled her necklace over her head, letting it land on her chest as she went to storm out of the room, a glare set on her face. She was going to kill that man, she couldn't wait any longer.

'Blake! Where are you going?' Vince yelled as he ran after her.

'I'm going out,' She called back, her voice calm.

It was always calm before a storm, Blake's eyes held the storm and her voice held the calm before it erupted. She was on the verge of yelling as Vince continued to approach her, grabbing onto the forearm. If looks could kill, he would've been dead at the first sight of the girls glare; her eyes dark and her mouth turned into a sneer. Vince had known exactly what she meant by out as soon as the words had left her mouth, she was going after Reyes. She had a bad history with the man and in his mind she had every right to want him dead, but going up against him by herself was insane.

'Let me go,' She spat.

'No, you can't touch him, Blake. He'll kill you,' He growling in reply.

'Like hell he will! I wasn't number one for nothing, Vince! He's a dead man, he has been for a very long time and right now is the perfect opportunity.'

'No, Blake. it's not! Look at yourself, you're not thinking straight!'

'I know exactly what I'm thinking. No one gets away with stalking my sister! No one gets away with killing an in-'

She cut herself off as she remember everyone was still in the room, out of the corner of her eye she saw them all waiting to hear the end of her sentence. Her hand grabbed the front of Vince's pulling him close enough their noses were almost touching, he was the only one who knew about this part of her past.

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