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'We know you've killed people

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'We know you've killed people. How many, we don't know. But we know you have.'

'Who's we?'


After a long few hours in city traffic, Blake Toretto's crew finally made it to the Freedom Races, or as the group was calling it, the Australian Race Wars. The large group was parked off to the side with the Australian trio the girl called family, out of everyone's way, but still in clear view. It wasn't hard to notice them, the large amount of different coloured cars, the huge gazebo with her last name on it and the music that blared from them drew most of the attention to them.

'Yo, boss. When do the races start?' Dennis called out from where he sat under the shelter.

'Soon. Drag races are up first. Kat and Rumi, I want you in one. Off road races are after that,' She informed them all.

Most of the crew nodded, before the girl jumped as two arms wrapped around her waist and a face nuzzled into the crook of her neck.

'I love it when you're bossy,' Zander muttered before kissing her neck.

She shivered, 'Rumi, stop it.'

The boy chuckled before kissing her neck once more and moving away, his hands remaining around her waist. Blake leant back into his chest before her eyes moved over her crew, checking on them. Rosa and Mia had taken the kids to the zoo when they left, checking in with her every so often with photos and messages from the kids. She was grateful for it, for they set her mind as ease that little bit more. She had never taken such a large group anywhere in her life, and she didn't think she would cope if something happened to any of them under her watch.

She stepped forward out of Zander's grasp when she saw Carter about to raise a beer to her lips, taking it out of her hands before she pouring into the grass beneath her feet. The girl stood angered, her hands clenched into fists as she looked at Blake. The whole group seemed to go quiet as all the attention was turned to the pair, all of them waiting to see what would happen.

'What the hell?' Carter exclaimed.

'I should be the one asking you that, Carter. What did I say about drinking?' She sneered.

'You said last night.'

Blake raised her eyebrows, 'So, it's ok now to drink before getting behind the wheel and going into a race?'


'Exactly. So, why do it? If you kill someone out there, it's blood on your hands for the rest of your life, Ce.'

'You speaking from experience?'

'Excuse me?'

'We know you've killed people. How many, we don't know. But we know you have.'

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