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'Why do you always put your life at risk?'

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'Why do you always put your life at risk?'

'Because my family's lives are more important then my own, you know that.'


Blake Toretto stood beside her brother and Brian, awaiting the arrival of Braga and his crew. After a long conversation with Dominic, he finally decided he could trust the girl behind the mask despite his suspicions. The girl had reasoned with him, saying she wanted to avenge Letty as much as he did and she could help him more than he'd like to admit. The sound of car engines echoed off the walls of the building, allowing the trio to acknowledge the presence of Braga. A large group of cars made their way into the building, Dom looked at Brian with a smirk on his face before turning to her with the same look.

'Well, the good news is,' Brian stated; 'When we get this guy, you walk out of here a free man.'

The youngest Toretto was stunned at his words as she turned away to place some gum in her mouth, the cop had helped her brother. A criminal. The cops never helped her or her family with anything. She figured Dom considered Blue Eyes family by the way he spoke and acted around him, he was usually closed off around strangers and cops.

'Is that what they told you?' Dom asked, looking at Brian.

'Yeah, that's the deal.' Brian replied, sounding confident.

'You still put milk and cookies out for Santa Claus?'

Brian laughed, 'Yeah.'

A small smile appeared on Dom's face at Brian's response, he knew his friend was being sarcastic but he still found it amusing. Blake smirked behind her mask, though her eyes were trained onto the cars parking in front of them.

'Here. In case things go shitty.' Brian spoke in a hushed tone, passing Dom a car key.

'Just like old times?' Dom stated.


Car doors opened and a large group of men got out of different cars, before walking to stand behind Campos and Fenix. Blake's eyes met Fenix's, he looked conflicted with the situation as his eyes flickered from hers to her brothers. Campos took a step forwards and began speaking, but the girl didn't listen as she looked over Braga's crew.

Each man wore black and was armed with a gun, all stood with their arms crossed or in their pockets. The girl was brought back into the conversation when Fenix began yelling at Dom in Spanish, but she understood every word of it. Campos placed his arm across Fenix's chest, causing him to step back in line as Dom took a step forward.

'He's harmless. Don't worry about him,' Campos chided as he looked at Fenix; 'And he's really sorry about Letty. Where's our stuff?'

'You mean the stuff that used to be in here, right?' Brian called out, stepping over to the empty cases; 'Well, you'll see it when we see Braga. That was the deal.'

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