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'Mierda. Hijo de puta.'

'Well, this job just got a lot harder.'


Everyone sat comfortably around the garage, either working on car designs or talking to one another. Dom had told them about the first cash house they would be hitting, and Blake Toretto was excited. She had robbed this cash house a few months after she arrived in Brazil the first time, though it was the only one before she got people to do it for her.

'Let's go. Everyone be ready in five,' Dom called as he entered the room.

The girl rolled her eyes, he didn't own her nor could he tell her what to do. She sat for a while longer as everyone else moved around, preparing themselves; finally stood when Han threw her a glare, letting out an exasperated sigh as she did so. She opened her mouth, Han placing some gum into it before she grabbed her mask; placing it over her face before turning her back to Han. The man chuckled as he tied the mask at the back, watching as she then tied her hair into a low pony tail.

'You ready for this?' She asked as she turned around to face Han.

'Of course, when am I ever not ready?' He replied playfully.

Blake chuckled at her brother as she grabbed her gun and placing it into its normal spot in the waistband of her jeans, before placing her knife into the side of her combat boots. She placed her black cap on backwards, smirking behind her mask at Dom who was watching her from the other side of the room. He had never seen her like this, so ready to cause trouble. While he was working with her against Braga, she seemed cautious, nervous almost, but now she was eager and alert. She had a sense of ruthlessness about her, like she would kill anyone who got in her way without any mercy.

The girl walked over to her car with Han trailing close behind, smiling to herself at the sight of it. Everyone had loved the designs on the car, constantly complimenting her on them. Though the designs had hit Dom hard, that cross was identical to the ones their father had given the siblings when they were younger and the car was the same one he had helped her rebuild before their dad had died.

Blake started her engine, revving it twice, before everyone moved to get in their respected cars. She was the first one to leave the building, the others following closely behind as they approached the first cash house. The streets were quiet, few people wandering the streets. As Blake's car passed a camera in the street she flipped her middle finger at it, knowing that Hobbs would see it soon enough. She pulled her car up on the other side of the street, shutting off the engine. The crew quickly got out of their cars, before they sauntered over to the door before the charged in with guns held high. Screams pierced the air as the women began to notice them, the men soon after.

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