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'You two do realise that he likes spicy foods, right?'

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'You two do realise that he likes spicy foods, right?'

'No one can handle a full scoop of wasabi, whether they like spicy food or not.'


The streets around Yakuza were full of people as Blake Toretto strode out of the Kamata's club, a tired look set on her face as she slid into her car. She had been back for the three months and so far she was seeing more of the Yakuza gang then her own family, though she knew it was the price she had to pay for coming back.

The racing schedule she once had, had returned, though she was more of a mentor now rather then a racer. She only raced unless it was important, or she was forced; that was the new rule for Tokyo for her. This city was an important one to her, a sacred one even. It was the city she had once shared the streets with her brother by her side back when things were easier.

Blake drifted around a corner before she pulled up at the garage, shutting her engine off soon after. She walked upstairs, the smell of sushi flowing through the air as she took a deep breath. The girl wrapped her arms around Twinkie's shoulders, placing a kiss to his temple before she did the same to Earl; her eyebrows furrowing at the large clump of wasabi in a bowl that sat in his hands.

'What are you two up to?' She asked curiously.

'We're going to make DK eat a scoop of this,' Earl sniggered softly in reply.

'You better have you camera ready for his reaction,' Twinkie chuckled.

'You two do realise that he likes spicy foods, right?' Blake said with a smirk.

'No one can handle a full scoop of wasabi, whether they like spicy food or not.'

The youngest Toretto hummed in reply before she wandered over to the fridge to grab a beer and some chips, watching as Twinkie bounced down the stairs with the wasabi in hand. Blake shook her head as she walked towards the railing to watch her brother fail at his plan after she placed her drink on the table and took her phone out, hitting record as she did so.

'Yo,' The boy called causing Sean to stop what he was doing under his car; 'Hey man, why do you take a little break? Snack time.'

Sean looked between his friend and the bowl in his hands, before shot him a confused look as he continued to clean the car part in his hands.

'Got, uh, two thousand yen if you can eat this,' Twinkie bet as he held up a big scoop of the wasabi.

'What is it?' Sean asked.

'Four. Four thousand yen.'

Blake let out an amused huff as Sean looked at Twinkie with a smirk before he took the chopsticks from his hand, stuffing the wasabi in his mouth. Everyone watched in anticipation as the boy chewed and moved his tongue around his mouth, he closed his eyes briefly as the heat of the spices took over his mouth; though he showed no sign of spitting it out. Twinkie looked up at the crew smugly as the boy wiped his mouth and closed his eyes briefly again. Sean looked at his friend before he swallowed loudly, opening his mouth and sticking his tongue out to show the boy that it was all gone.

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