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'Hey, baby doll, like what you see?'

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'Hey, baby doll, like what you see?'

'Why, yes, I do. How about a race for pinks?'


The black van pulled up outside the police station, before Roman got out and headed inside. As Tej moved the van, Blake Toretto sat in the back with an ear piece in and a laptop in her lap as she watched his every move. Roman may have the biggest mouth, but he sure didn't know when to shut up. 

'You sure you can't do this, B?' Rom mutter into the microphone that was hidden inside his police badge.

'Yeh, sure, Rom. Why don't I walk in and try to talk them into letting me out back? Because I'm sure they'd let a wanted person back there,' She said sarcastically.


'It's fine, just don't mess up, Ro.'

Everyone watched the computer screen as the elevator doors opened, revealing the hallway and entrance desk. Rom looked towards the desk, a Portuguese lady sitting behind it. He licked his lips as he made his way over, the box in his hands.

'Hello, beautiful,' He cooed, causing Blake to slap her palm to her forehead; 'Look at those dimples. Sexy, sexy. Love those glasses. Where did you get them from? Are those like Gucci frames or something?'

The lady looked at him confused as he kept talking, probably not understanding a word he was saying. The crew sighed at his words, rolling their eyes numerous times.

'No English?' He asked, before she turned away and a man came to the counter; 'No, no, no. Damn... How are you, sir? Special Agent O'Conner. US Federal Bureau of Investigation.'

The guy looked at the security photo he was holding up before looking at Roman again, 'It says Caucasian.'

'That's a tan. You know, a tan?' Rom motioned to his skin; 'Look, I'm working this case and I got some evidence here to be held. But I need to get in and check your storage facility first.'


'Look, I know you're a true professional, and I respect you, I promise. You know, it looks like you work out a little bit, too. What do you bench, about three fifty?'

Blake scoffed at his words once again, this man could sure talk his way out of anything. Well, he was Roman Pearce after all. She watched as the man behind the screen shot him a look, causing Rom to laugh nervously.

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