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'I'm leaving

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'I'm leaving. I can't do this, not now.'



Blake Toretto smirked as her car flew through the large hole in the wall that Hobbs' jeep had created, she shooked her head at the large fires that decorated each side of the road. She had arrived in Berlin with Roman in the early hours of that morning, before she tried to sleep for a few hours; though it didn't really work. She looked in her rear view mirror to make sure Roman was still behind her, before she shifted gears and sped up.

'You were only to supposed to create a diversion, Roman,' Letty chided through the speaker.

'That was a diversion,' The man replied.

'How many of the damn explosives did you use?' Tej asked.

'I don't know, Tej... All of it?'

'Wait, all of it?'

'Oh Lord, Ro. Seriously?' Blake chuckled.

'Roman, Jesus Christ!' Hobbs yelled in disbelief.

The girl couldn't help but laugh at her friend and his ways, but she knew she would've done it the same way; explosives were just too much fun.

'You have more of your fan club ahead,' Blake sneered as she pulled out to the side to find at least twenty more cars coming towards them.

Dom turned left at last minutes, giving the crew just enough time to get through before the German police caught up to them. Their lights flashed in her mirror as they sped after them, but would never catch up.

'They're still on us,' Tej's voice echoed through Blake's car.

'These guys are taking this personal,' Roman stated.

'Roman, we just blown up their facility and stole their EMP. Other than your doctor's cold fingers, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get,' Hobbs informed.

Blake's smirk deepened, before she heard Dom's voice, 'Phase Two.'

'Phase Two?' The girl asked.

'So you just gonna keep that to yourself? What happen to Phase One? What about that part?' Roman spoke quickly.

'Yeah, remember the airplane? Everyone drove their cars out but you,' Tej teased.

'I told you my engine seized up.'

'It's your balls that seized up,' Letty chuckled.

'Ain't that the truth,' Blake egged her on.

She chuckled loudly as she heard the man's grumbling through her speaker, cursing herself and the other two.

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