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Please listen to the song, but don't start it till towards the end. If you've seen the movies, you'll know when.


'Things are gonna be different now

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'Things are gonna be different now.'

'We'll see him again. One day.'


Blake Toretto watched as the bullets flew through the air, to and fro between the helicopter and Hobbs, but she knew soon enough Hobbs would run out of ammunition and that would be the end of all of them. Her thoughts were cut short when she heard Dom's car start up, and before she could move, it was driving way. She stood the in shock, she couldn't believe it. He had left her for dead, again.

Suddenly, the concrete beneath her feet began to tremble as an explosion went off on the other side of the car park, large concrete pieces crumbling. The girl did the first thing that came to mind, run. Her feet slammed against the remaining concrete as she fled to the far corner of the building, in hope it didn't all collapse. And as the falling pieces fell to a halt, she could finally hear Dom's engine once again. Though, all her hope quickly turned into anger at the thought of the man leaving her, before it turned to fear as she saw his charger fly through the air; heading straight for the helicopter above.

It seemed time had paused for a moment after the car scraped against the bottom of the hovering machine, Blake's heart sunk into her stomach as she watched on. Gravity finally took over, bringing Dom's car down to the ground at great speed. The girl sprinted across the car park, her heart racing as she watched the car tumble to earth.

'Dominic!' She screamed as she fell to her knees at the edge of the crumbled car park.

Letty yelled out as she slammed her car door shut and began running over, Ramsey close behind. The black charger nose dived into a remained pillar before flipped onto its roof and fall the remaining way down; slamming against the ground before everything seemed to go silent. Blake slid down the concrete pieces, moving as fast as she could down the slope. Her feet stepping quickly over the rubble before she finally met Hobbs on the flat, the pair not wasting a second to get their brother out of the car.

The youngest Toretto wrapped her hands around Dom's upper arm and began pulling him out of the car with Luke's help, tears of frustration running down her face. Letty and Brian were next in the scene before the rest of the crew showed up, fear written across all of their faces. Blake watched on helplessly as Brian began performing CPR on her brother, with help from Letty before the woman shoved him away.

'Stop! Please, just stop,' She cried as she pulled Dom's body close to her.

'Please bring him back, Daddy. I need my big brother,' Blake whispered as she looked up at the sky in hope he'd hear her; 'Please, help him, hermano, irmão.'

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