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'Back off, cerdo, or I swear I'll shoot!'

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'Back off, cerdo, or I swear I'll shoot!'

'Hey! Enough! O'Conner, if he said he didn't do it, he didn't do it. Go walk it off.'


It was silent in the garage as Blake Toretto and the rest of the crew pulled apart Reyes' car, the process slow. They had found nothing out of the ordinary, each piece of the car was clean and held nothing. The sound of tools clinking and their breathing was calming in a sense, it was like any other day at the garage. Dom studied each piece as it was removed, before Blake did the same only in more detail. Any little thing, a dent or scratch, could lead to something major. Everyone had hoped it would be an easy find, but it was hardly that. 

They had spent hours working into the night, hoping to find whatever it was Reyes was looking for. Blake stood quickly when she heard footsteps entering, her hand reaching out for some type of weapon as hers were on the far bench along with her cross. A figure walked through the shadows until it reached the light, revealing Vince. She sighed in relief as she placed the large spanner back onto the table, before running over to her friend and wrapped him in a hug.

'God, damn. What a mess!' The man exclaimed as he released Blake.

He walked further into the garage to greet Dom, the girl walking closely behind him. A scoff from beside him made him pause, his head snapping around to look at Brian.

'Where you been, man?' Brian spat.

Vince took a deep breath before replying, 'You better check that tone.'

'And you just better answer the goddamn question.'

Blake took a step in front of Vince, acting as a barrier between him and Brian as he threw the tool he was using down before storming over. His eyes were stormy as he raised his fist, the girl braced herself for the impact of the incoming punch.

'Stop it! Both of you,' Mia yelled as she ran in front of her boyfriend.

Everything remained tense as the two men continued to glare at each other over the girls heads, neither of them were backing down.

'Where were you, Vince?' Dom asked.

The man removed his gaze from Brian and turned to Dom, 'Guys all over the favelas asking about you. Couldn't get out of there without leading them straight to you. Had to wait them out.'

'That is such horseshit!' Brian yelled; 'That was your job, and those were your guys!'

Brian approached Vince once again, though Blake was prepared this time as she grabbed her gun from the table and pointed it at his head. As he took a step forward, she released the safety with a click. Dom moved to stand beside them, glaring at the man currently standing at gunpoint.

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