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'You're not welcome here, cerdo

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'You're not welcome here, cerdo. What do you want?'

'The missing link. The crew is getting back together and they need you to complete it.'


Screams echoed through her ears as Blake Toretto ran through the street, her next victim only metres ahead as she slowly caught up to him. The man she was after had stolen her money, and was now on her hit list. She watched as he jumped onto the hood of a moving car before sliding off the back end, the girl completed the same movement seconds later before a loud honk blasted through the air.

He turned down an alley, which Blake knew was blocked at the end, she sped up. Her feet slammed against the ground as she moved around the corner, like a lion hunting her prey. As she got closer she launched herself at the man, tackling him to ground before she threw her fist in his nose a few times. He groaned in pain as blood fell from his face and onto the ground, his eyes widening when he saw her gun placed to his forehead.

'Where is it?' She hissed.

'I- I don't know,' He stuttered.

'Don't lie to me, James. Where is it?'

The girl released the safety on her gun as her anger became evident in her eyes, the evil glint returning to them. No one took her money and got away with it. James mumbled under his breath, annoying her as she pressed down harder on his forehead.

'It's at my place... It's at my place!' He called.

Blake smirked before pulling the trigger, sending a bullet through his skull; ending his life instantly. She stood over the lifeless body, examining her work before she turned and walked away like nothing had happened. She wiped her hands on her jeans, ridding herself of any of the man's DNA.

A lot had changed since she had moved to Brazil, she had become even more ruthless and dangerous over the year she was here. She had the whole country wrapped around her little finger, though many tried to challenge her authority. The girl had abandoned the idea of going back overseas to the places she had once lived, but her plans to travel back to Tokyo had remained; she just hadn't gotten around to it yet.

The girl slammed opened the door to James' home, raiding the place of anything valuable including her money. She had killed more people then she could count, each of them just another strike next to her name but each was for a good reason. In a way she was like Robin Hood, killed and stole from the rich to give to the poor and herself. A sigh left her mouth as she smirked at the bundle of cash in her hand, tsking under her breath at the man's stupidity.

Sirens sounded in the distance, slowly getting closer and Blake took that as her cue to leave. She took a lighter out of her pocket, flicked up a flame before throwing it onto the floor. She jumped out the nearest window, landing on the roof beside it before she ran all the way home; jumping from house to house. The girl made it home safely as she unlocked the door and walked inside, emptying out her pockets. She grabbed a beer from the fridge, taking a sip before licking the remains droplets off her lip. She wiped her tired eyes, before she laid on the couch and stared up at the ceiling.

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