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'Everything's going to get better, you know?'

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'Everything's going to get better, you know?'

'Only if you stay by my side.'


As Blake Toretto pulled up at her childhood home, she was scared. She hadn't had a proper meal or lived there in sixteen years, and she didn't know what to expect. A soft tap at her window brought her out of her thoughts before she turned to see Roman's grinning face, a soft laugh left her mouth as she opened her door. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

'Hey, baby girl, you ready?' He chuckled.

'Ready as I'll ever be,' She mumbled in reply as she released him.

The man messed up her hair before wrapping his arm around her shoulders, leading her up the driveway. Her limp made the position a little uncomfortable as the brace Hobbs' military doctor had given her restricted the movement of her knee, but they managed. Blake leant her head on his shoulder, smiling softly as she looked over the exterior of her old home.

The white paint was crack and peeling off in some places, but the house still stood strong. They were only a few metres away from the backyard when another car pulled up out the front, causing the pair to pause and turning to see who was here. As soon as the girl saw Han get out of the car, she was sprinting down the driveway to greet the man with open arms and a wide grin.

Han's sad eyes lit up at the sight of the grinning girl, his own small grin playing on his lips. He opened his arms wide as she launched herself at him, laughing loudly as he spun her around. She kissed his cheek as he placed back on the ground, happy to see some joy on his face. Roman watched the pair from the top of the drive, shaking his head before he headed out back to greet the other part of his family. Blake linked her fingers with her brother's, pulling him up to the front door of the house.

'I want to show you something,' She said softly as she opened the door.

The man sent her a curious look, but followed on anyway, wanting to know what she was up to. Blake looked around the lounge room, everything seeming so much more familiar in the light of day, before she dragged Han towards the stairs. After taking a deep breath, she began to advance up the stairs slowly, her face becoming even more determined after each step.

As she reached the top of the stairs she paused, gasping lightly at the sight of the door down the end of the hall; her old room. The door still had her name hanging off a piece of string, tape holding each end onto the wood. The girl dropped Han's hand and limped forward as fast as she could, stopping in front of her door; a look of fear coming over her face.

She turned slightly and looked at Han pleading eyes, unsure of what to do. She didn't want to be disappointed if her room was gone, but she wanted to know if they had kept her stuff. The man motioned with his head to go on as he stood at the top of the stairs, a smirk on his face. Blake sighed and placed her hand of the door handle, twisting it until it slid open; a tiny gap left between the door and its frame. The girl closed her eyes and took a step forward, a creak from the hinges caused her to open her eyes. Her hand flew to her mouth as she gasped at the sight, tears welling in her eyes at all of her old stuff. Nothing had changed.

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