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'What do you mean?'

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'What do you mean?'

'How would you react if they sent somebody from your crew back after being arrested with no charges? These cops are dumber then Hobbs here.'


As nightfall arrived, Hobbs sent the crew to meet him at a car park nearby to watch over the police as they tried to catch Shaw. The whole situation was making Blake Toretto uneasy about the whole thing, the rookie, who's name she found out was Riley, wasn't helping either. The rookie gave off a bad vibe, and she couldn't help but be cautious of what she said around her.

She had a feeling that something was off with the raid, it was too quiet and too easy as she watched over the cops below. They were planning to send one of Shaw's men inside, the one they had brought into the station, hoping he'd stick to the plan; but Blake knew better. If the cops had done that to her, she would be suspicious as to why they had let them go. Shaw was up to something and it wouldn't end well.

'Hobbs, they're sending in your punching bag. He's wired. He's going to give a positive ID on Shaw before they move in,' Tej called from behind them.

They leaned forward a little further, watching as the man open the gates and disappeared behind them. The girl fiddled with her necklace, something she did when she was nervous; Han noticing quickly as he studied her. He made his way to stand next to her, turning his head so he could watch her face.

'This is too damn easy,' She whispered; 'It's a set up, I just know it.'

'What do you mean?' He asked in reply.

'How would you react if they sent somebody from your crew back after being arrested with no charges? These cops are dumber then Hobbs, here.'

Han snorted loudly, earning an odd look from Hobbs before he turned his attention back to the group below, 'I'll keep an eye out for anything.'

The man kissed Blake's hair before walking away to watch the radar with Tej, on the look out for anything that could make his sister's suspicions true. If Shaw was as smart as he sounded, he would have figured it out by now.

'I just got confirmation on Shaw. They're going in,' Tej informed everyone.

The cops moved in, cars and all, as they made their way down to Shaw's lair. It still kept eerily quiet as they moved in, it was making the girl uncomfortable. Shaw had to know what was going on.

'Wait, wait, hold up... Police scanners are saying alarms are going off at Interpol headquarters.'

'I knew it,' She mumbled.

'Shit,' Brian whispered before turning to the crew; 'He brought us here so he could take down Interpol. This whole thing's a set-up.'

'Brian, take the team,' Dom commanded.

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