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'Actually, it was three buildings

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'Actually, it was three buildings.'

'Oh! Two, insult. Three, honour. My bad.'


Blake Toretto and her brothers slowly made their way over to the vault door, Roman continued to babble on into the microphone; drawing the guards away from their posts. She listened in to her friends blabbering, trying not to laugh to loudly at his words; he sure did have a big mouth. Talk all day long, he could. But as the room went silent, she cringed before she looked over her shoulder quickly to see Roman's wide eyes, shaking her head as she quickly walked on.

'Oh, I wish I didn't see that,' Tej muttered through her earpiece.

She looked over her shoulder one last time as they stood in front of the vault, making sure no one was watching them.

'Ramsey, open it up for us,' Dom stated.

'Copy that,' The British accent replied before it went quiet for a second; 'You're in.'

The doors clicked unlocked before they watched them open automatically, Dom quickly ushered the other two inside. He made sure the door behind them, before he saw the car locked in the room and looked at the looks of awe on the pair in front of him faces.

'No mierda,' Blake breathed out.

'Do you realise what this is?' Brian exclaimed; 'LYKHH HyperSport. Three point four million. Zero to sixty in less than three seconds. There's seven of these things in the world, and this guy keeps it locked up in a vault.'

'Nothing's sadder than locking a beast in a cage,' Dom added.

'And now I really want to punch him in the face,' Brian scowled.

'Okay. Let's get to work.'

Blake watched as Dom's locked his hands under the car before he lifted it, the strain of the weight evident in his face. She quickly fell to her knees and slide under the car on her back with a small torch in her mouth, Brian slid under the car before he slid back out.

'You got this, right?' He asked Dom.

'Go,' Dom muttered.

The youngest Toretto was quick to rip a sheet of metal off the bottom of the car as Brian slid back under the car, the pair working quickly to try and find the speed drive. The pair had only been under the car for mere seconds before a loud siren began going off in the vault, a red light flashing in the corner as Tej's muttering sounded through everyone's ear piece.

'Tej, talk to me,' Dom boomed.

'I'm trying, but their security system is locking us out,' Tej called back.

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