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'See, simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here, slick

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'See, simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here, slick.'

'Can I punch him again?'


Blake Toretto followed the crew as everyone moved into the next room where Tej and Ramsey started up God's Eye, setting it up before they let it do it's thing. She stood behind Roman on the step above, her arms crossed over her chest after she had placed her knife back into the side of her boot. She watched as God's Eye searched for her brother, before it pulled up a single dot red dot in the blue continents.

'Got him. He's in London,' Tej told them all before she looked over at Ramsey looking smug.

'Wait, we have got a second match in Hong Kong,' Ramsey interrupted the silent relief.

'Beijing... Seoul,' Roman added.

'And Tokyo,' Blake sighed.

'And just about every other major city on the planet,' Ramsey said quietly.

'And so... God's eye was where we start. Cipher's already created an evasion that masked her location by... Pinging random spots all over the globe. But it was a good thought, Roman,' Mr Nobody encouraged.

'So she's made my programme obsolete?'

'And that, Ramsey... Is why are you here.'

'See, simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here, slick,' Little Nobody chastised as he looked at Roman.

'Can I punch him again?' The youngest Toretto murmured.

'Why are you looking at me when you're saying that?' Roman exclaimed.

'Wait a second, wait, wait. Simple solutions might just cut it. In order for God's eyes to give up all this false pings, which means they have to be using a flea relay,' Tej started.

'Which means it has a decaying sync quantizer,' Ramsey added on.

'Which we can reverse.'

'And track it back to the originating source and find Dom's true location.'

'Telling you, they got skills,' Mr Nobody muttered to his partner causing Blake to smirk at the look of disbelief on Little Nobody's face.

'That was my idea. That's what I was saying, remember, in there?' Roman exclaimed.

'Alright. Let's try this,' Nobody commanded.

The crew watched as Tej and Ramsey worked to fix the problem, typing multiple things onto their keyboards quickly. Within a matter of seconds, the red dots began to disappear, leaving more blue then red on the screen.

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