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'Sean and Twink wouldn't let us drive it, they said you'd kill us

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'Sean and Twink wouldn't let us drive it, they said you'd kill us.'

'That would be true.'


Blake Toretto wasn't happy when she woke up in an unknown place, the sounds of people yelling had informed her exactly where she was. She had woken up screaming from the reoccurring nightmare that is the incident that killed her brother, it played on repeat in her sleep; she was considering not sleeping again. Her feet slammed against the ground as she exited the room, walking straight towards where the rest of the crew stood with some soldiers.

As soon as they noticed the deadly look on her face they ceased all talking, looking at each other awkwardly; silently hoping Dom would hurry up so she wouldn't explode. They all seemed to jump when the girl's phone began to ring, Sean's name popping up on the screen. She glared at them all before she cursed under her breath, answering the phone quickly.

'Hey, Sean, what's up?' She sighed into the phone.

'Uh, hey, DQ... A package just arrived at the door and it says its from Brazil, do you want me to open it?' He replied.

'No, Sean, listen to me you need to get out of that house right now. Grab as much as you can, make sure you get the cardboard box from our brother's closet and then get out of there.'

'Ok, ok. What's going on?'

'Sean, it could be a bomb. Are you out of the house yet?'

Before the teen could answer the line was cut off, leaving it silent before another unfamiliar voice came through the speaker. Blake felt all the blood leave her face, her blood ran cold.

'Blake... How are you sweetheart? You and your friends aren't safe, and I'm taking it you didn't get to say goodbye to the house?' An evil chuckle left his mouth; 'See you soon, Toretto.'


Her fingers were quick to try and call Sean, the phone continuing to ring out. She didn't know what to think, a million different scenarios running through her mind as she ran a hand through her hair. She mumbled under her breath, different sentences about how her family better be alive. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes as she paced, her phone moving from in front of her to her ear constantly. No one would answer the phone, she had called them all at least twice and Blake was beginning to think the worst.

'Kenz, what's going on?' Dom asked as he approached her.

'They're not answering their phones, Dom, why aren't they answering their phones?' She cried.

'Hey, that doesn't mean somethings happened to them.'

'But it does, Dominic! Sean rang before... He said there was a package out front so I told him to get out of there before the line cut out and Shaw spoke to me. I can't lose them Dom, they're all of hermano I got left.'

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