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'The boss wanted to take you in, says you are dangerous

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'The boss wanted to take you in, says you are dangerous.'

'I'm only dangerous when someone ticks me off, so don't let it happen.'


As Blake Toretto's purple Skyline pulled up alongside Dominic and Brian's cars, they looked at each other confused. The car engine was silenced, before the masked girl got out from behind the wheel and walked slowly towards them. The men took note of the slight limp in her left side and how she cupped her hand over stomach.

'Shouldn't you be at home?' Brian called.

Blake raised her hand, waving him off, 'I told you I was going to help you take Braga down and that's what I'm going to do. Wounded or not.'

Dom looked between the pair, completely lost; confused as to what had happened after he'd left. Brian hadn't updated him on anything before they left, and doubted he would anytime soon. He shook his head and looked over at the town below, somewhere down there was the man that killed Letty and soon he would be dead as well.

'What's the deal with your men shooting at me anyway? Thought we agreed I was on your side?' Blake yelled from behind him.

'What?' Brian stated in utter shock.

'Yeh, that's right, gilipollas. You think I wouldn't remember the face of the man that shot me? He was wearing a uniform. A cop uniform. Oh, and you thought I hadn't figure out you were a cop, well. you were wrong, cerdo.'

By the time Blake had finished her statement, she was face to face with Brian, her anger rising. She looked him dead in their eye as he sighed in defeat, taking a step back before he ran his hand through his hair.

'The boss wanted to take you in, says you are dangerous,' He muttered.

Blake scoffed, 'I'm only dangerous when someone ticks me off, so don't let it happen.'

Brian nodded once before turning away to stand with her brother, letting out a long sigh. The girl whimpered in pain as she ran her hand through her hair, clutching onto the stomach as she did so. She watched as Brian and Dom spoke whilst looking out over the town, Blake couldn't hear a word as she opened her gum packet and put a new piece in her mouth.

Dom walked over to his car, silently signalling to the other two it was time to work. They walked over to their respective cars and started them up, before following Dom quickly down the hill towards the church. Gisele had told Dom that was where they would find Braga, and had made a plan to get to him. They would go in the back door, since some of his crew would be out the front, and approach him from behind. Blake followed behind Dom and Brian the whole way through the town, watching the people that looked at her car in envy.

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