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'Are you ok?'

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'Are you ok?'

'Yeh, sorry about before. I don't do well with violence.'


The room was silent as Blake Toretto got sewn up by Mia, they had just returned to the safe house and everyone was tense. Dom had already been sewn up and sat quietly at the other end of the table, watching the masked girl like a hawk. He was still curious as to whom she was and if they could trust her, she was, after all, friends with Campos and Fenix.

Blake took another drink from the rum bottle through her mask, the liquid burning her throat as she swallowed it. She felt the needle pierce her skin for the fifth time, cringing at the feeling. She hadn't said a word since they arrived and had been standing in the corner when Brian noticed she was bleeding through her shirt, the man quick to make her sit down. 

'There. All done,' Mia stated.

Everyone waited to see if the masked girl would speak, but were simply met by a nod from her before she stood and returned to her place in the far corner. Mia sighed before placing dinner on the table as Brian took his seat next to Dom, Blake didn't move from her spot as she fidgeted with her fingers. She couldn't eat without taking her mask off.

'Want some of this?' Mia asked, but Blake shook her head.

'I do,' Dom replied.

'It's spicy.'

'I like it hot.'

Blake watched in surprise as Dom reached for his food first, he was always the one to imply the main rule at any meal; if you reach for your food first, you say grace. It seemed like he forgot the rule while he was away. Mia slapped his hand, causing Blake to snicker at Dom's reaction.

'Dom what are you doing?' Mia stated, slightly angry; 'You reached first, you say grace.'

Dom sighed before lowering his head and closing his eyes, 'Thank you, Lord, for blessing this table...'

'With food, family and friendship,' Mia finished.

The rest of the meal went by quickly, before Dom got up and head to the back room stating he was tired. Blake sat on the floor with her eyes shut, but was actually listening in to Mia and Brian's conversation as she knew she couldn't actually sleep without her nightmares taking over.

'You asked me why I let Dom go. I think it's because at that moment, I respected him more than I did myself,' Brian spoke softly, trying not to wake the sleeping girl.

'Yeah?' Mia replied, just as quietly.

'One thing I learned from Dom is that, nothing really matters unless you have a code.'

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