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'Blake, what are you doing?'

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'Blake, what are you doing?'

'I'm doing what's right.'


Blake Toretto stood on top of the large building beside the police station, binoculars placed over her eyes as she watched out to Reyes' car pull up. She had over heard earlier, he was going to check on his money after he had found out about the deaths of many in his crew. As a black car pulled up, the girl placed her walkie talkie in front of her mouth.

'I got eyes on Reyes, he's in the building,' Blake stated.

'Copy. I'll see you at the bottom,' Han called in reply.

'See you soon, baby girl. Stay safe,' Roman said after.

'Sure will, y'all gonna make it out alive. Let's do this,' Blake stated as she jogged down the stairs; 'Oh and, Hobbs, Reyes is mine.'

Han sat at the bottom with the engine idling, just as he had promised. They were doing this and they were doing it now. The girl jumped into the passenger seat and slammed her hands on the dashboard, yelling at him to go. He pressed down on the accelerator and sped ahead, allowing the Toretto siblings plan to go into action.

As Reyes sat in an office, the staff around him began running towards the back of the building, each yelling different orders to one another. The man stood in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at his associate.

'What's happening?' He yelled.

'They're taking the vault!' Someone yelled in reply.


'The vault!'

His face turned into one of anger, knowing exactly who was behind this as he followed the head chief officer. Blake Toretto was going down. The girl on the man's mind, however, sat under the very roof of the police station in her own cop car which was parked right beside Han's. She cheered as she saw the vault fly past, Dom and Brian towing it through the building.

The money was all theirs, everything was going to plan; for now. She slammed her foot down on the accelerator and flew after the vault as though she was an actual cop in pursuit, sirens wailing and lights on. Her cop uniform sat loosely on her body, having it two sizes too big was an advantage as she hid her gun waistband and her knife in the side of her combat boot.

'Call it out, Mia!' Dom called through.

'You've got a straight shot for two blocks,' Mia replied.

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