Samar Navabi.

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Raymond had suddenly showed up at my workplace, accompanied with Dembe and a tall woman, curly black hair.

"So glad to see you're still here Maggie. Paul said he might have to let you go but I've assured your stay here, we're still not done"

He sat at the chair I had for clients, I frowned a little at all this information. My boss wanted to fire me? And who was she?

"I'm lost here can I have a briefing?" I said looking at Raymond, waiting for him to explain.

"This is Agent Navabi, she's joined the task force and-"

"Ah, it's you" I said looking at her with a little smile "the one that has Ressler all annoyed"

"Because of the whole 'Capturing Reddington' thing?" she said, also smiling.

"Yeah, he was quite pissed you beat him by 1750 exact days"

Samar gave me another proud smile, I looked at Raymond again to make him continue.

"Samar will lend her expertise to you. I can't afford you being a victim again."

"In that we agree" I said serious.

Even though I had spent two days at Donald's place after the whole attack I was still outgunned and very much vulnerable, I didn't wanted to be like this, the damsel in distress.

"Perfect, Samar will contact you regularly so be sure to have spare time"

I nodded and gave Samar a thankful look.

It was fun training and learning stuff with Samar, we spent time at the gym where I learned some basic combat technics, I had been doing personal defense and I wasn't completely helpless, I managed to knock her out of balance a few times.

A week after that we moved to gun training where she taught me the basics, arming and disarming the gun, general maintenance and practice in a shooting range. With the stuff I learned from Dembe plus this, by the time we finished that week I maintained the shots in the second inner circle, to which Samar assured me it was great.

First thing in the morning she had showed up and she handcuffed me and handed me a paper clip, told me to lockpick my way out. My phone rung in my coffee table and it was then that she learned about Donald.

"I didn't know that you were close friends with Ressler. Are you two dating?"

"No, I wish" I complained and tried to hit the spot with the little metal in my hand.

"He's different from everyone I've worked for. He's.... Stiff"

"Well, if you've had a leg almost blown off my a shotgun blast, a fiancé killed right in front of you and your team be cut down by half by a psychopath then I'll be a bit bitter too" I defended.

"He hasn't made any moves on you?"

"No, he's been acting weird lately though" I concentrated because I thought I had it, but then it slipped.

I sighed in frustration and gave the cuffs a tug.

"My hands are cramming" I complained. Still, I went at it again.

The Architect. [The Blacklist. Donald Ressler X Oc]Where stories live. Discover now