Self Defense.

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Present day.


"What, are you sleeping at the dog house?"

I joked to Reddington. He made a little disappointed grimace and looked down at his drink.

"That's a shame. She's gonna miss the most tantalizingly delicious khorem baklava"

He looked inside the inner pocket of his jacket and took off his vibrating phone. He answered and after the caller said a few words he looked dead at me.

"Is she injured?" He asked, I frowned a little "put her on the phone" he waited a few seconds and then spoke "I need you to take a deep breath and tell exactly what happened"

I continued to look at him, getting more nervous by the second, he kept giving me glances, and if I didn't know any better I would say he was talking to Mags. He made a little hum of acceptance and handed the phone to me.

I reluctantly took it and put it in my ear

"Donald" Maggie's quivering voice greeted me. I stood up from my seat and walked away from Reddington, in a whisper she said "Donald I killed someone".

Three days ago.

I pushed the phone in my ear when I saw the caller ID.

"Don, did you make it on time?" I said into the phone, holding it with my shoulder as I held my baby nephew in my arms.

"Yeah, though I have to catch another plane in a few hours"

"Oh" I lamented "you going on a case?"

"Yeah" he answered vaguely, I knew he couldn't talk much about it.

"Well, I hope you make it back on time. My sister says she'll be fine by Wednesday, so I'm going to stay here for two more days"

"I hope Keen and I can get this settled by then" he said. I smiled, looking down at baby Nathan and cuddled him closer to me.

"Okay, I hope I see you then"

We said our goodbyes and I love you's and hung up.

Don had to come back to DC on Sunday night to be well rested for today monday. But by the looks of it he has another long travel on his schedule.

My sister had to get a c-section which was a bummer, she wasn't happy about that at all, but baby Nathan didn't wanted to be born so they had to do it.

Aftercare of a woman who had had a major surgery was a little harder, which is why I didn't return on Sunday. I helped her with my nieces on their morning routine and took care of them after they returned from school, that way my sister only had to worry about the newest acquisition.

Present day.

"Donnie hey" I said while answering the phone.

"Hey Mags." He saluted

"Something wrong? You never call when you're out in an assignment"

I stopped the cab and asked the driver to haul my luggage into the trunk.

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