Number Two.

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I was grateful for Don taking us out for a week, the whole conspiracy thing had been a lot for me to damage control, specially between calls from my sister, my aunts, calls from James asking if that was true. Thankfully, after the news made it about the president's misdeeds and his resignation, many of them called to apologize for thinking bad about Don, but I assured them that it was hard not to listen to the news.

My mind was quickly occupied with a simple yet unnerving question by my daughter.

"Why don't you have a baby?"

She asked me so innocently over lunch at the office, and it was the first time in my entire motherhood experience where I had nothing to answer to her. I just sat there as she watched me, expecting an answer.

"I don't know cupcake" I said with a dismissing shake of my head "you're my baby" I assured, rubbing he cheek.

"No, I'm big girl" she said offended.

I didn't know what to think of it, why she was asking that? Was it because she sensed something?

I didn't let the thought go until we came back home, and even after I busied myself with other things, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Alma was 2 years and 8 months old now, I had obviously thought about the second baby, but the year had been hectic enough for Don and I never brought it up, I'd even accepted that maybe Alma was going to be our only daughter, but I hated the idea because I'd always planned on a big family. Of course, it wasn't just what I wanted.

Strangely enough I found myself folding old clothes of Alma's, my assistant Brenda was pregnant and she recently found out it was going to be a girl, so it was the perfect opportunity to give away the remaining clothes that I had of her. I just kept her receiver from when she was born and the dress she wore for her first birthday.

Don found me in her bedroom after a long day of work, and he looked ready to tell me everything about it. He began by saying that now the taskforce knew that Reddington wasn't Reddington, and that he had been taken by who knows who, because I got lost halfway whilst focusing on Alma's clothes, checking them for any tears or if they were too stained.

"Mmm, I guess this is what it feels like when you talk to me and I don't listen"  he said out the sudden.

I snapped at him with an apologetic look, leaving the clothes on the bag I was making.

"I'm sorry, I got lost halfway" I excused.

"Noticed" he took the drawer and closed it before I continued "what's up?"

I shook my head, holding the bag and closing it.

"It's nothing" I said, then placed the bag near the door, intending to see it tomorrow when I walked in to say bye to Alma and take it with me to work.

"I'm going to push just once" he said giving me a twist of his eyebrows "what's up?" He asked again.

I really didn't wanted to have the conversation, because I didn't know if I was going to be able to handle bad news. I just crossed my arms at my chest.

"I'll tell you, and it's really nothing, but I don't want to have the following conversation" I explained, already felling all kinds of uncomfortable "Alma asked me why didn't I have a baby" I finished, then shrug dismissingly "it's like a simple kid question but it caught me off guard and I've been thinking about why would she ask it. It's nothing" I repeated.

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