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Cases helped getting my mind off of things sometimes, and it was just unbelievable to me how the tables had turned. I used to have my home take my mind off of the things that happened here, now I used cases to get my mind off of things at home.

I didn't think I looked troubled, but now that Liz was looking at me from the other side of the desk, I wasn't so sure.

"Why does everyone look so gloomy today?" She said, her eyes trained on the screen. We were doing some research on the newest case in between the waiting, and I was looking into a company's records when Liz spoke up.

"I only know why I'm gloomy, Aram doesn't have a reason to be" I replied.

"And why are you gloomy? Trouble at Paradise?" I felt her eyes on me after her chair scraped on the floor, she moved to the other side of the desk.

I left the file on the desk and sighed, the urge to rub my eyes attacked me, but I tried my hardest not to look so distraught.

"It's something going on with me" I dismissed. "There's a friend of mine, well, I don't know how much of a friend he is" I murmured angry "and he's been talking to Mags and... I don't know, I have this feeling like he has a thing for her and I don't-"

I stopped, realizing how stupid it sounded if I said it out loud.

"And you're jealous?" Liz asked "it's that it?"

"At first. But now it's just anger because I told her about it and I definitely didn't get the answer I was looking for"

"And what was that answer? Yes sir?"

"So you're on her side" I puffed with a harsh tone.

"I'm not on her side" she said in a quiet tone, giving me an eyeroll "it's just that you don't have a reason to be jealous of Maggie, she would never do that sort of thing to you"

"I know" I sighed "and she's not the problem. The problem is James"

"Well, you should take it out on him"

I shook my head as I clasped my tongue. Taking it out on him wasn't an option, not when we were both agents.

"I can't do that. And I can't keep fighting her, specially not now"

Everyone at this point knew that she was expecting, she'd sent the portraits to her family and spent the rest of the following day talking with her relatives on FaceTime, I joined after work, only getting to talk with her aunt Martha and a few of her cousins. Everyone in Maggie's family was over the moon with the news, not only because it was her, but because there hadn't been any new babies since the one her cousin had around Alma's birthday, he was one year old now, so the new baby buzz was dying down a bit by the time she brought up there was going to be another one.

What definitely did light up my mood that day was when she FaceTimed my mom around dinner time, apparently they'd already talked for a bit because Maggie just set up the phone in a holder when I was cooking and my mom was already in the call, she had the package with her, and I got to see first hand her reaction to her opening and looking at the picture, it taking a few seconds to register in her mind.

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