Improvised Sitter

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"Maggie I am truly sorry for cutting your maternity leave short"

"It's okay Oscar, there are things we can't predict, and whatever happened to the guy you set up to supervise the whole thing... Maybe he wasn't up to the part"

"Yeah, definitely not, not compared to you"

"I didn't mean it like that" I said with a little smile "I'll make it to the site, and I'll see the supervisors there"

"Thank you Maggie. You're the best"

I smiled to myself again and hung up the phone. I looked at Alma, laying in the cradle we had downstairs.

"What am I gonna do with you huh?" I said walking to her, running my fingers on her cheek.

"Do with who?" Don asked next to me, I looked at him and my hand instantly shot up to my chest.

"Oh, I'm gonna cry" I claimed as I placed my hands in the lapels of his suit.

"Why? Because you finally got me out of the house?" He joked as he draped his tie around his neck and motioned at me to tie it

"No, because you look fucking handsome" I pulled him in by his coat and kissed him, he chuckled against my lips and pulled back, I took his tie and began to knot it.

"I got called in today, the guy they'd put in my place gave in to the pressure and had a nervous crisis, he's at home with a psychiatric leave and a bunch of stress pills. So, I have to go and meet the supervisors and some of the workers from the government about the permits and other stuff" I tightened the knot and smiled up at him "momma's gotta go and take care of things"

"What are you gonna do with her?"

We both looked down at Alma, her big eyes were staring ahead.

"She's like a month old, she can stay home alone" I said sarcastically, Don gave me a little look as he kissed my lips quickly.

"I have to run but I hope to see you later" I muttered an okay, he turned around and started walking, I blinked in surprised and called at him.

"Excuse me?!" He turned around with a frown "say goodbye to your daughter maybe?" I said pointing at her. He just gave me a tilt of his head, but he retraced his steps and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"Don't ever not kiss me goodbye again dad" I said, Don gave me a look "she said that not me" I excused. Don gave me a little smile and began walking again.

"I'll call you later to check up on you two"

"Love you" I called when he reached the door, he called back at me as he closed the door behind him.

I took Alma in my arms and walked with her to my bedroom, I sat her in the bed and surrounded her with pillows, she wasn't going to be moving a lot but she was 6 weeks old now, it could be expected. I changed into some formal but comfortable clothes and ran to the next room to pick up some clothes for her. Don said I was being a little over the top with changing clothes everyday, but she was burning through them so fast and I wanted to see her in all the things I'd bought her and she'd been gifted.

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