All Kinds.

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Heavily, I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and sighed. I love everything about autumn and the winter, but I hated to leave the comfort and warmth of my bed to get up and be a responsible adult.

After I turned the alarm and left the phone on the bedside table, I stretched my arms above my head, then turned to look at a message I'd just received.

I also hated when people began bothering me when I first woke up, I needed maybe twenty minutes and a hot shower before I could be of any service. This time it wasn't a message from anyone asking me to do anything, it was Don.

"Good morning love. I'm out helping DCPD today, I will call you by lunchtime to let you know if it'll take me more time than I expect. I love you"

I hurried to text Carol, letting her know that we would be needing her today. Some days Don would tell her not to come and he would take care of Alma. He was really good with her, more than what I'd ever expected, and it was a good thing that he spent so much time with her, because I would come back home and want to be with her and he didn't have a say in how much I hogged her.

I went about my day, everything was normal, I reviewed my projects, made calls. I was about to go to the house of one of my clients when I realized that Don hadn't called me all day, and it was well past lunch.

I didn't usually worry about that, I let him do his thing and wasn't controlling, he didn't need to be controlled. The thing was: when he told me he would call me, he always did, and if he couldn't call, he would send a quick text with something along the lines of "its been busy today, I'll call you when I have time". Everytime he was busy it was the same text, as if he had it already written like an automated thing, he could press a button and leave me informed that he was at least fine.

When he didn't at the end of the day, I became worried.

I was gathering my things, rummaging in my thoughts, wondering if I should call him, when I got the call.

"Miss Ressler?" a voice came through the phone.

You never get used to those calls, the ones from the hospital, the ones who give the bad news.

"Your husband had been admitted to the ER. He was in a car accident. Just now he's been taken out of intensive care"

"I'll be right there" I said with a little voice "have they given him any medication?"

"I'm not informed of that at the moment" she excused herself.

"Well, inform anyone who is allowed to give him the medication that they do not have the permission to give him anything until I'm in the hospital"

I ended the call and took my purse. I hated the hospital calls, I hated having to talk to doctors about the patients, the patients were just cases to them, at the time it was my dad the one I had to fight for, and knowing that I would have to fight for Don a lot, already mentally exhausted me.

I arrived at the hospital, made the quick decision to not call Carol just yet, I was just going to check on Don's condition and if I had to stay through the night, I would ask my sister to take care of Alma.

As soon as I entered the hospital and was told the room where Donald was at, I headed there fully knowing that I was in for a fight with whoever I needed to fight with, because I knew that as soon as he was out of danger he was going to be prescribed pain relief medication.

The Architect. [The Blacklist. Donald Ressler X Oc]Where stories live. Discover now