Right and Wrong.

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The cases Reddington had agreed to give us, didn't exactly took a lot from the taskforce, the first one being something about a treasure, things I couldn't care less about. We were called by Cooper but were quickly left out of the case the first day because Reddington said he could deliver him to us.

I was back at the house at a fake tea party with Alma when Mags showed up, giving us a little look. Both of us were sprawled in Alma's bedroom and she had me and a few stuffed toys gathered around a tea set.

"What are you two doing?"

I looked at Alma, waiting for her to say something, but she looked back at me waiting for me to reply.

"We're having a tea party"

"Tee paty" she said back. I smiled and looked up at Maggie.

"You're back early" she said sitting on the floor next to me, I nodded and watched Alma feed invisible tea to one of her penguins. She loved penguins.

"Yeah, Reddington said he can deliver the guy to us, he's looking for a treasure"

"A treasure?" She asked, taking one of the tiny plastic cups and waiting for Alma to pretend pour something from a large tea matching teapot. "That sounds like fun"

"I think it's stupid"

Alma looked at me wide eyed, then looked at Maggie.

"That's a bad word" she said emphasizing, looking more at Alma than me. Because she was picking up words like crazy these days, we had to be careful with what we said. She didn't knew much words but I don't know how she definitely knew the ones she wasn't supposed to say.

"I'm sorry" I said, giving Mags a look.

"And what about Liz, have you seen her?"

"No, I-" I stopped, because I hadn't seen Liz but I now remembered that Aram had told me she'd been at the site, and was looking through some files. "She was there but I had gone out. She told Aram she was just there but not back with the cases"

"And what was she doing there?"

I leaned back, holding my upper body with my forearm.

"She was looking for something, Aram said. And that she quickly closed everything when she saw him come to talk to her"

"That's not suspicious at all" she said a little sarcastic.

I hummed, watching Alma sit back at her place, tired from tending everyone.

"If she's going though the files of people we've caught, then she's doing nothing good" I noted.

"Maybe she's working on catching who killed Tom"

"Unlikely, she doesn't have her badge" Maggie chuckled, then looked back at me.

"That wouldn't stop her"

I nodded, that would definitely not stop her, specially if she asked Reddington for help. An angry woman and a notorious criminal were just the perfect recipe for disaster.

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