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I soon found myself comfortable on a bar stool, and only a few minutes walk from home.

"This is the life." I thought, grimning at my new bff, aka the barman. I hummed along to the unfamilar but cool tune playing and took another look around.

It wasn't much different to any other bar I'd been in, though more upmarket. I approved. Of course the drinks I'd already consumed helped that decision.

"A toast to my new local." I said outloud to no one. "Oh, do they call it a local here? Well, a toast to here!"

Besides the barman who was welcoming and polite, I had been left in peace, which suited me fine. I preferred to suss a place out first. I could tell the customers were too classy to bother a girl on her own anyway. Probably called clients in this posh establishment. Not quite what I was used to, but I felt comfortable already.

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