Good Morning?

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*Matt pov*

[The next morning]

"Mello. Wake up. Do you even remember last night? I think you and Y/N drank the entire bar last night. And then some."

Mello's eyes lit up when I said Y/N.

"Y/N!" He shouted. I hushed him.

"Yes, I remember! She was like, beautiful."

"Right. Well listen. I don't know if you were just plastered, but you were really nice to her."

"Of course I was, I'm always nice." He glared at me.

"Um, sure..."

"Oh my god! I didn't get her number! Matt, why didn't you tell me to get her number?! I've never done this before, I don't know what to do, how will I find her?!"

"Mello, please calm down. Y/N is on our couch asleep, so relax. But I'm telling you right now, if you go out there and break her heart, I'll fucking punch you."

He looked like he was about to cry.

"Am I really that horrible?"

"Uh, no you're fine. But I know you've never liked anyone before, so just be careful, that's all. If you don't want to see her again, tell her nicely."

"What the fuck are you on about?! I'm going to marry her!"

He tried to jump out of bed but I stopped him.

"Don't go out there and ask her to marry you either. You need to be normal. Be nice to her, but you don't want to seem overeager and scare her off either."

He looked panicked.

"Help me! What do I do Matt?"

"Well, I'd usually tell someone to be just themselves but in your case...actually, I don't even know what to tell you. This is a new one."

"Can I at least go see her?" He asked.

"Yeah. Go on out and talk to her. Just see how it goes. Good luck Mello."

He was gone in an instant. Oh god, please don't let this end in disaster. I noticed his rosary on his locker and realised he hadn't even said his morning prayers before getting up.

Yes, this was serious...

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