Final Goodbyes

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Mello pov

I walked up to her grave accompanied by Matt, Near and L. It was our last visit as we were all going back to Japan. It was too painful to remain here without her, and there was work we needed to do in Japan.

L knelt down first.

"Goodbye Y/N. I'm sorry I never got to know you well, and more sorry that I never will now. Thank you for loving Mello. I didn't know what to bring, so..."

I smiled as he left a tea cup and saucer, with sugar cubes on the side.

"It's perfect L. She was Irish, she loved her tea. And she had your sweet tooth also."

L smiled too as he stepped back. (Sidenote - L and Light had had a thing for a while until Light left him to go back to Japan, 'strangely' at the same time as the Kira killings became focused there again. He was a complete fucking idiot)

Near knelt down next and placed a sheep teddy on the grave.

"I miss you. From your sheep boy."

Short and simple. He looked at me and I nodded to say that was ok, and enough.

Matt didn't kneel but stood staring down in silence.

"I didn't bring anything. I even failed her at that."

"No Matt..." I started to say when he interrupted me.

"Oh, I know what I can give her!" He took his goggles off and placed them down gently.

"The first time I met her she asked to try my goggles on." He explained to us and we all laughed.

"You never told me that, but I'm not surprised. That's so Y/N."

Matt gave me a hug and then nodded at the others. They took a few steps away to leave me alone with her.

I held the single red rose I'd brought against the left side of my face as a single tear fell from my eye to water it. She liked black roses better but I wanted her to have a red one, for our love.

I placed it down. She had been buried with my rosary and I wore a purple one now, her favourite colour.

"Oh Y/N..." I bowed my head.

"I miss you. I'd give you some of my chocolate, but you'd only bitch at me for wasting it."

I couldn't help laughing as I shook my head.

"Well, this is it. Maybe we'll meet in another life. I'll always love you. Goodbye crazy bitch."

~ The End ~ (again)

(A/N - He wasn't referring to mental illness but referring back to chapter 18 when they endearingly called each other crazy bitch and crazy bastard)

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