Let's Sing!

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(Just a quickie. Not that type of quickie, jeez)

Y/N pov

Mello and I found Matt and Alizu asleep on the couch the next morning. They were both sat upright, with game controllers still held as if in play.

"Idiots." Mello muttered. I gave him a push.

"Don't call Alizu that, she's our guest and she's awesome."

They both woke up and looked at me as Mello made his way to the kitchen.

"Hey sleepy gamers. Did you two rage all night? You could have offered your date a more comfortable sleeping place." I shook my head at Matt.

"We fell asleep gaming, we didn't mean to, I would have -"

"It's ok Matt, I'm just teasing you. Want some breakfast?" I had to interrupt as poor Matt looked about to cry.

"Who wants coco pops?" Mello yelled from the kitchen.

Matt and Alizu nodded.

"All of us!" I yelled back.

Mello came through with a tray loaded with bowls, spoons, the box of coco pops and a carton of milk.

"Easiest way to carry it all." He explained as he set it on the coffee table.

We all sat around eating chocolate cereal like kids.

"This is fun! Like a sleepover. Who wants to game?" Matt asked.

"I will if I can choose the game." I replied to his and Mello's surprise.

"Ok...what do you want to play?"

I winked at Alizu. "Singstar of course!"

"Oh no..." Mello put his head in his hands.

"You love my singing, bitch! People pay good money to hear me sing."

"They pay good money to make you stop." He laughed as I smacked him playfully.

"Come on, let's sing!!!" I shouted.

(A/N - I've gone so far off tpoic again, help)

Featuring AlizuLawliet

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