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I was eating Mello's chocolate while Matt played games. When Mello got home from the mafia he started yelling.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"I'm eating your chocolate, what does it look like?"


"Because I'm hungry."

"But it's MY chocolate!"

"Oh mellow fucking out!" I yelled back.

He threw daggers at me with his eyes, turned and stormed off into our bedroom, slamming the door. Matt and I looked at each other and laughed.

Mello the opened the door and yelled "Bitch!"

"Mello, if you don't want me to eat your chocolate then come back here and let me eat your co-"

"Arggh I hate you!" He interrupted.

Matt and I laughed some more.

A minute later the door reopened.

"Y/N?" He called sweetly this time.

"Yes darling?"

"Um...if you come in here I'll let you do that."

I threw his last unfinished chocolate bar at Matt.

"Here ya go Matt. I've got something better to eat. Seeya in a while."

I grinned and went to Mello.

"Uh thanks? Yeah I think I'll go for a walk now. Jesus Christ you two." He chuckled as he left to avoid the noise from our room.

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