Drunken Matt

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Mello pov

(A/N - I guess author-chan is feeling lazy now or knows she can't surpass my amazing writing skills. I will be number 1 writer! ~ Mello)

Less than an hour later, I was rudely woken by the noise of Matt banging around the kitchen.

"Jeevas Christ." I muttered.

But I got up cos I wanted to know how his date went, and I wanted to eat chocolate.

"Matt, what are you doing, could you make any more noise?"

"Yes Mello, I could indeed." He replied smugly as he opened and then slammed a cupboard door shut.

"Matt, you idiot! It was sarcasm, not a challenge. It's the middle of the night."

Matt opened the cupboard door again, looked in but then reached into a bag he had, and launched a giant bar of chocolate at me. He pointed and laughed when it nearly hit me in the head.

"Matt, are you drunk by any chance?" I asked as I opened the chocolate.

"No I'm not drunk. I'm very drunk. I'm fucking drunk!" He threw his hands up in the air in some weird Matt dance move.

I bit off some chocolate and sat on a kitchen stool.

"Ok Jeevas. Sit down and tell your big bro all about it."

Matt moved a stool closer beside me and sat down.

"You're not my big bro." He told me. "You're my best friend. You're my only friend. I can't imagine a world with you. I love you dude!"

He launched himself at me now, throwing his arms around me.

"Yes Matt, that's great, I love you too. Now get the fuck off me before I have to shoot you."

He did so and sniffed a little.

"I think I got a bit carried away there."

"Yes, I think you did. But at least you're happy drunk. I'm glad you're happy." I smiled and nodded at him. "Go on, tell me more."

This only prompted him to start singing Summer Nights from Grease, complete with his own version of T-Bird dancing.

"Oh my God Matt, and you thought Y/N and I were drunk that first night. Well we were but you know." I couldn't stop laughing but it was nice to see him so smiley.

"Hey Mells, our gang could be the M-somethings."

"Yes that's a great gang name. The M-somethings. That's a name that will make history. Matt, you're unreal."

"Oh be quiet mafia boy. I forgot you're already in a crime gang thing. Huh. Well my gang of one will, will...I don't know, something."

"Matt, go to bed, you're drunk."

"Ok." He sighed.

"I take it you had a nice date then?"

His face lit up. "It was amazing, she's amazing!"

"But you came home alone?"

"Yes, because unlike you I'm a gentleman." He shook a finger at me.

"You look like a dog wagging it's tail. And maybe it's that you're not hot enough for a girl to come back on the first date. Unlike me. I'm a hot stud."

"Mihael Keehl, you brought her back the first time you met her, never mind a first date." He shook his head.

"Yes and if you hadn't interfered I would have corrupted her that first night." I laughed to show I was joking.

"Oh mein gott, Keehl! I think YOU should go to bed."

"Fine, I will. My wife awaits me. Thanks for the chocolate."

(Video: Summer Nights ~ from Grease)

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