The God

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Matt introduced me, then whispered "be nice" to him.

The man held out his hand with a smile.

"Very pleased to meet you Y/N, I'm Mello."

"Mello." I repeated.

He smiled again and did a half curtsey, half bow, obviously taking his instruction to be nice a bit serious, probably sarcastically.

Rod and Jack both choked back a laugh, while Matt just grinned.

"Very pleased to make your aquaintance." I replied in my most formal voice, holding my hand out to him again.

He smiled more naturally now, then took my hand and kissed it.

"Ooh!" Matt teased. Mello shot him a look then pointed a finger at me. "I like you."

"I like you too." I replied and he grinned like a happy child.

He moved a chair over closer to me and sat right next to me. Rod and Jack watched in shock.

Matt sat back down and engaged them in conversation, leaving me to speak with Mello.

He smiled a bit more shyly now, then asked me a bit about Ireland and myself. He didn't offer up too much about himself, seeming more interested in hearing about me. He gazed at me in a kind of wonder the whole time. I'm not sure if he thought I might turn into a leprechaun or something, but my whole body was goosebumps under his look.

I noticed the other three guys kept looking over nervously. "What are they so worried about?" I wondered.

Myself and Mello were getting along just fine, he seemed to find everything I said hilarious. ("Told you I'm hilarious." I told myself. I don't know, I was merry)

When he pulled a huge Hershey bar seemingly out of nowhere, I shrieked, "Ooh gimme some!" He looked at me in shock.

"Oops, I seem to have left my manners at home. I just see chocolate and I want. Chocolate is bae!"

Again his delighted grin. He pointed the chocolate bar at me. "You are so right. And just for that you can help me eat it. Also, I'm very glad you didn't leave yourself at home."

He broke the bar in half and gave me half. We toasted with a "cheers" with it, giggling.

The other three honestly looked so shocked, that Mello broke out laughing when he saw their faces.

"It's like an alien has taken over Mello's body." Matt said.

"Mello's hot body." I added, checking him out. Matt roared laughing, Mello looked confused, as luckily for me he'd missed what I'd said. Matt clapped his hands together, delighted.

"Y/N, I'm so glad you came into our lives."

"She's adorable." Mello agreed.

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