Time That We Have The Talk

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(A/N - I'm still not worthy of Mello's love but lets just go with it. It's fiction. And it's mine so everyone can be in love with me) lolol

Y/N pov


I'd been dating Mello for a few weeks now. He still hadn't told me where he worked but I didn't care all that much anyway. Because I'm selfish, but also because I was just happy that he spent his free time with me.

We were sitting on his couch this day and he kept sighing and going to eat his chocolate but then putting it down on the table instead. I was reading manga so I just let him be at first, but his sighs kept getting louder so I guessed he had something he wanted to say.

"Are you ok Mells?" I asked as I put my book down beside his chocolate.

"Yes. No."

"Well you can't really be both so why don't you just tell me what's wrong?"

"Because you'll leave me."

"What?" I took his hand. "I'm not gonna leave you. I love you. I want you. Just tell me."

He turned to face me. "Ok. So it's about my job. Um, you see I work for the mafia. Actually I'm head of the mafia."


"Just ok?"

"Mello, I'm Irish. I'm not exactly clued up on what the mafia is. Well I've heard of it in films and stuff. You're like a movie star!"

He laughed. "I'm not a movie star. Not yet." He winked. "It's a crime syndicate, Y/N. I do some pretty bad shit." He looked like he was about to cry.

"Well don't cry about it. If you're gonna do bad shit then own it. Be proud of it."

"I'm not crying about that. I'm still worried you're gonna hate me. I'm telling you I'm involved in a lot of heavy illegal activity."

"Well that's very interesting Mello." I rolled my eyes. "Can I go back to my book now?"

He burst out laughing. "Bloody hell, Y/N. I tell you I'm a criminal and that's your response. You're a special one, do you know that?"

"Yeah whatever. I was reading Assassination Classroom. Right up your street eh?" I elbowed him.

"I have actually killed people though."

"I gathered that. I know you have a gun Mello. And I don't mean the one in your pants. Though that one is very impressive."

He turned bright red. "Stop it you pervert!"

"Shut up you murderer!"

"But I tried to keep my gun hidden."

I tapped the side of my head with one finger. "I'm all seeing and all knowing. Nothing gets past me."

"You're right there. So have you any secrets?"

"No. I'm too boring have secrets. You can't keep your trouser gun hidden." I smirked. "Sorry, I had to say it. So it's like you're in the IRA then?"

"I guess?"

"Well that explains how you got your hands on those explosives. And how did you end up in the mafia? Was that always your career of choice? Were you in school telling your career advisor it was your dream job? Imagine their faces if you did!"

He laughed. "Well no, but that's a whole other story. I'll need lots of chocolate for telling you that one. Ugh, I fucking hate that stupid sheep." He scowled.

I handed him his chocolate. "So you joined the mafia cos you hate sheep?"

'No. Just one particular sheep. Stupid little shit. Albino."

"Ok Mello, you've lost me now. Maybe just go back to eating your chocolate and leave that story for another time. I don't need my mind blown anymore right now. Oh, though I now know who to ask if I ever need anything blown. Blown up I mean."

He snorted. "I need something blown right now."

I picked my book up and smacked him with him. "Mind your mouth Mihael."

"You mind your mouth! Down there." He pointed.

"You don't have to point, I know what you mean! Only with you could a conversation go from illegal activity, to sheep, to blow jobs."

"You started that last subject." He pointed at me with his chocolate.

"Don't you point your chocolate at me, bitch."

He shook his head. "You're harder work than the mafia. You're worth it though. I love you." He grinned and held my hand.

"Love you too dickhead. So if I need anyone killed I can just ask you?"

"Well technically I guess you could, though I'm not completely evil. I only kill when neccessary."

"I'm evil though. And that's some interesting info."

"Ok but you can't go telling people that your boyfriend is head of the mafia. You'll get ME killed if you do that. I'm not a tool for you to use to threaten anyone who pisses you off. So just be careful."

"Damn, you're pretty much useless then. Just joking babe." I added quickly as his face fell. I kissed his cheek. "I love you, crazy bastard. Whatever you do, I'll always love you."

He smiled as he pulled me close. "You too, crazy bitch."

(Music: Girl Got a Gun ~ by Tokio Hotel)

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