Go Matty!

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(A/N - I know I'm very rambly, sorry. The rest is all AlizuLawliet and your boy Matt, I won't tag you from now on but you'll know. Hope you'll like it!)

Y/N pov

I slithered up to Matt and his new friend all cool.

"Hey Matt. You get lost buying the drinks?" I tried to wink but I can't wink so I gave him a gentle nudge instead.

"Y/N! May I kindly introduce you to Alizu. Alizu, this is my good friend Y/N I spoke of."

"Yes you kindly may." I smiled at Alizu and we went to shake hands, but then hugged as well, both laughing.

"So nice to meet you." She said, still smiling. "Matt spoke very highly of you and your new husband Mello. Oh look at you smiling at the mention of his name. You're right, they are too cute." She nodded at Matt.

"I know right. They're sickly sweet. Y/N, Alizu is here alone, just like you were that first night."

I shook my head. "No, Alizu is not alone. She's with us now." I put my arm around her and she grinned. "You're most welcome to come sit with us."

"I'd love to." She was eyeing Matt up and I squealed internally.

As she turned to get her bag, I gave Matt a knowing look, which he returned, then we walked back to our table.

"I'd normally have warned you about our Mello, but this one here has softened his heart." Matt grinned at me.

"How cute." Alizu smiled.

Mello was scowling when we returned but he smiled when he noticed Alizu.

"This is my best friend Mello. Mello, this is Alizu."

"And this is my babe." I said as I sat down beside him and he kissed my cheek.

"So tell us more about you...oh my God you two, you're in public, go home if you want to make out."

Mello and I giggled. "Shall we?" I asked. He took my hand and we got up to leave.

I leaned down to tell Alizu that Matt was cool and safe. I gave her my number in case she needed anything.

"You can come back to ours if you like. I did the first night I met them and well actually, it was Matt who looked after me. Mello may not have behaved himself if Matt hadn't told him to be a gentleman." I squeezed her shoulder as she held back a laugh.

Mello kicked me gently and I spun around. "That's it, you're dead, chocolate boy."

"Oh shut up!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

"Though now you mention it, I do need more chocolate."

(Video: Did You Say Chocolate?
Ft. A crazy ass Mello)

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