Aftermath (matt) omg stop me

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Matt pov

I awoke the next morning with a smile on my face. It had been a wonderful date with the most beautiful girl I'd ever met.

I stretched as I considered whether to get up or stay in bed for another while. I couldn't hear Mello and Y/N, so I banged on the wall connecting our rooms. There was no reply so they must be out. I had no plans today, so it was either play games or go back asleep. I decided my games could wait. But before I could get comfortable, my phone rang. My ring tone is the mario tune so I danced like an idiot in my bed for a minute before answering.

"Helloooooooo!" I was still giggling from my dancing.

There was silence on the other end and it was an unknown number too.

"I said helloooooo!" No creepy call would ruin my good mood this morning.

"Matt." A voice said softly.

"'Tis I!" I shouted.

"Why are you so happy?" I recognised the voice now. It was L. He was always changing phones and kept caller id off because of his job.

"Because I had the best date ever last night!" I was still grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh? Tell me more about dis date you speak of."

"Why are you speaking weird?" I frowned at the phone now.

"I don't know. Did you get laid?"

"L Lawliet! What kind can't just ask that!"

He giggled. "Sorry, just you sound so happy I thought maybe..."

"Sex isn't the only reason a girl can make me happy, oh my god, what do you want anyway, you pervert?!"

"I was just checking up on you and the other one."

"He has a name."

"Stop answering me back. You're very cheeky today. Now seriously, tell me about the date."

"Oh I'M being cheeky, ok." I was roaring laughing. When I calmed down I told him more.

"Well, her name is Alizu and she's a beautiful lovely person. I brought her to a posh restaurant to try make a good impression, but uh, I kind of got us kicked out. Apparently I wasn't dressed appropriately and I kept messing around. Well if they don't appreciate my style, that's their problem. And Alizu liked my messing. It was so stiff and formal there. Boring. We were glad to leave. So then we walked by a river and we were going to go bowling but we were too tired, ok I was too lazy. And I really wanted fish and chips like back in England. So we just had pizza, then went to a bar and got drunk. It might not sound so amazing but just being with Alizu was so great."

"Ok." He replied.

"Ok? That's it?"

"Well I don't know much about love and dating so I'm not sure what to say. It sounds nice though and I'm glad you're so happy." He sounded a bit sad though.

"You'll find someone too you know. You're a good guy." I told him.

"I'm not really living a life that allows dating. I didn't mean to make it sad or about me. Just..." He sighed and then I could tell he was forcing himself to sound cheerful. "Go get her Matt. You're a good guy too."

"Thanks L. And I'm sorry. I know you miss him."

"It's lonely without him. But that's how it has to be. I have to go now."

"Ok, take care L. Stay strong."

He hung up without saying goodbye but I knew it was because he was close to tears.

"Stupid Light." I thought. L had never gotten over his first love, though they were doomed from the start.

I settled back in to think about last night again. I was sad for L but it only made me appreciate what I now had even more.

(Music: Super Mario Brothers Theme)

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