Fake |4.|

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It has been about 2 weeks since I met Shawn, and I guess he's not such a bad guy. We were currently on our way to his concert in Sydney, Australia. I looked over at Shawn and admired his features. His soft dark brown hair, sharp jawline, the small scar on his cheek, the way his pink lips curve into a smile. He looked over at me with a smirk, I looked away quickly and looked out the window.

The past couple of days Shawn and I have been inseparable. It's like we don't want to leave each other. I think I'm starting to develop feelings for him, but I don't want to. I know that in a couple weeks I will never see him again, so what's the point? "You okay?" Shawn asked placing his hand on my thigh. I just nodded my head and smiled a toothless smile.

I had the choice to stand in the crowd, or backstage so I decided to stand backstage.

"Good luck." I said to Shawn. He smiled and then went on stage. The music to Mercy started playing throughout the Venue. I found myself singing along with every song. The way he sang with such passion gave me chill bumps.

"The next song is dedicated to a special girl." He started strumming the guitar, and I immediately recognized that it was "this is what it takes." I was confused, I don't know if he was talking about me, or if Andrew set this whole thing up and I didn't know. When the song was over Shawn said, "now there is this wonderful, amazing, and beautiful girl that I want you guys to meet. Y/n will you come out here?" My heart was beating in my chest. I somehow got my legs to move across the stage. Shawn brought me into a warm hug that filled my stomach with butterflies. "This is Y/n, my girlfriend." The crowd went crazy. I smiled and looked over at Shawn. Then he did something that I never thought he would do. When we first started out, Andrew said that he didn't have to kiss me, but he did. His lips were soft and warm against mine, his large hands cupped my cheeks. He moved the mic away from his face and whispered, "I have to talk to you after the concert." I nodded my head and walked off the stage while fans cheered.

My mind raced with thoughts about Shawn. What does he want to talk about? Shawn finished the night with, "patience." As he walked backstage he grabbed my hand. I didn't pull away, but I was shocked. I followed him to his dressing room. When I got in Shawn closed the door.

"Now what I'm about to say is going to sound ridiculous, and I'm probably going to regret it, but screw it. Y/n, I like you. I like you a lot. And I know that I wasn't supposed to fall for you, but I did. I want to be able to actually call you my girlfriend and mean it, not just some publicity stunt." He was pacing back and forth as he spoke.

"Shawn," I said softly as I walked closer to him. I placed my index finger under his chin causing him to look at me. "I like you too." Relief washed over his face. He placed his hands on my lower back and kissed my lips with passion.

He rested his forehead against mine and whispered, "then will you be my actual girlfriend."

"Yes." I said softly with a smile.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now