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There are SOOO many spoilers. I have tried to delete them, to tell people to stop— but unfortunately there are too many for me to keep up with. I have blocked countless accounts and it just doesn't work. I don't have to time to constantly comb through.

And rereaders, I am so glad you love this story enough to read it more than once, but... Shut the fuck up? Why're you ruining it for everyone else 😭 literally stop??? People reading this for the first time want to interact just like you did the first time you read it, and you're ruining it by commenting spoilers or commented "RR" on things they don't even realize are spoilers until later.

I foreshadowed a lot of things in this book. Commenting "RR" is STILL A SPOILER. I do block people, and if you happen to catch my eye while I'm scrolling through my notifications? You are going to be one of those people. How horrible is it that I have to tell first time readers to not read the literal comments of this story?

I know you're excited. I'm glad you like it! But you can like it without spoiling. Even if you're not saying anything specific, the places you're commenting are specific. You know who you are, you know what you're doing, please don't do it anymore.

New readers, I'm so sorry to you as well. Please avoid the comments if you don't want spoilers. I will try to clean them up, but I'm just one person and I have a life to live.

{Edited 4/10/21}

I warn you that at a point in this story, it seems like the OC is going to end up with Hitoshi. Go into this book knowing that is not the case and that my indecisive ass changed it midway through ((: This was my first BNHA story so it has a lot of plot holes! I hope you enjoy!

Third person pov

She sat in the back of the class just as she did everyday. Nobody really knew much about her, and they didn't bother to ask. They'd sort of forgotten she was there: years and years of silence causing her presence to somewhat fade. Lillian didn't really mind. In fact, she quite enjoyed the lack of attention. Her self-esteem was lower than her ability to successfully socialize, and she preferred video games over people, and music over conversation. That's just how she was, and she guessed there was nothing particularly wrong with that, right? She didn't know, and she sure wasn't about to try and figure it out.

Gazing out the window, Lillian's mind wandered. It often did on days like these. She thought of quirks. Hers, to be more exact. When one's quirk revealed itself, the wielder was required to inform someone. A parent, the teacher, the state or the province. Someone of higher authority who could get it recorded somewhere official. Lilian was ashamed to admit that when she discovered hers, she hadn't told a soul. It hadn't been a completely conscious choice, and it wasn't something she'd done to purposely hide the intricacies of her given power. 

It felt far too late to bring it up now. Would she be in trouble if she tried to tell someone after waiting for so long? She just couldn't believe that her, a girl hailing from two completely quirkless bloodlines, had been gifted with a power. One that could actually be of potential use if she learned to use it correctly. It simply wasn't something she couldn't wrap her head around. Quiet, semi-pathetic Lillian? With a quirk that actually seemed to have some sort of... of use?

The quirk was one that didn't have an official name. She'd searched for it, or even for something similar. The similarities she'd managed to dig up between her quirk and other's were few and far between, and too minimal to really note. No matter where she scoured, there simply wasn't one out there kin enough to it for her to base the title off of. So she'd come up with her own name, just so she could have something to call it. She'd titled it "Freeze Frame." 

Freeze FrameWhere stories live. Discover now