chapter 6

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Karthik pov:

I am karthik chouhan the only heir of chouhan group of industries.

I am a graduate in bussiness management from Cambridge.  I am a successful businessman.

when I'm 24, i was handoverded our company and i am proud to say our company have reached top  after my takeover .

I am the winner of young entrepreneur at my age of 27.
My parents are so proud of me. I give much importance to my bussiness than  anything in this world . I love my mom I never say no to her .

As I am a good looking and rich kid many girls fall for me just by one look.

I lost the hope in love when i was cheated by lisa in my college days .

I am deeply in love with her and thought to marry . I am even ready to give my life to her then I came to know that she is in a relation with another man .

I felt disguist of myself to love a woman like her.
I am in a hurry to attend a meeting when my PA said the is some problem in my private jet and I can't take risk by travelling in it.

I just asked them to cancel the meeting and they requested me by saying the meeting has been postponed to  tomorrow and they want me to attend bcoz this a big deal and they want our company to do it .

My PA Mr. Kumar told that he has booked tickets for my journey by train . 

I am in seat and in my next seat there is girl around 21 looking beautiful in her jeans and T- shirt.

I observed her studying novel who is deeply immersed in it  and i am  observing her.

Generally i don't like girls wearing jeans or t shirts but this girl is looking so good in this outfit .

I never felt about a girl like this before. She saw me twice or thrice and awarted her gaze when I see her.

She is so talkative bcoz she in a call since last1 hr and still not in a mood to stop i gave a weird look to her and she immediately ended her call I laughed to myself.
As i arrived to my destination at around 2 am i came out of train not before looking at her .

She has something which makes my heart to beat fast . I am in my car but my mind is revolving in her thoughts . I feel bad knowing i can't find her again.

And thought if we are destinated to be one i am sure we will meet again.

I ended my meeting and got the deal and came out of the office and settled in car and checking my phone which has lot of missed calls and  messages from Amrith .

He is my cousin who is getting married tomorrow.

I called him only to hear his yelling " where are u karthik?"  this man never leave a chance to yell on me.

 I took a long breath and said
" Cool bro i am on my way and catch u tomorrow early in the   before your barath start "

 " I will never forgive if u miss my wedding "he said

"I don't have that much guts to fight with you and will be there at right time as the flight for   Delhi is in couple of hours "i said

" Ok then have a safe journey and every one are waiting for you " he said and ended the call

I took my flight and landed in Delhi around 5 am and went directly to Amrith house as all are present there .
Everyone hugged me and I went near Amrith . We talked about many things mostly bussiness as he is heading his father's company and came out of bussiness world when my another friend Nandu came near to us shouting Amrith fiance 's name .

I observed that Amrith lips are occupied by smile and a smile occupied on my lips imaging my radio station  ( Ridima).

I came out of washroom and quickly changed in to a sharwani . I don't like this formal outfit but now I have to bcoz its a wedding and I can't came out wearing suit and observing the wried looks of all the people thinking me as bridegroom.
We started from our home to the bride  home with a bharat I am dancing with all of my frds all the way .

we all are welcomed by saru's family and I am walking towards the room allocated for us .

I collided with a beautiful lady with green colour half saree I looked down to see her and i am happy and shocked to see again.

Now I bealive that we are made to be one and she said sorry and went away.

I thought of calling her but I was taken back the thought and walked towards the room.

After a few minutes I came out of the room searching her who is sitting far away from all and thinking I guess she is thinking about me and a smile occupied on my lips.

Later I found her walking towards my mom and I went near to my mom just to make her know that  they are my parents and her mom introduced her to my parents and i came to know her name is Ridima and walked from there.
We all returned to our home as all the marriage rituals are completed .

I am remembering  her running, talking, teasing Amtith as he is her jiju, crying while sending saru  with us , what not I observed here every action and i am sure she know that I am observing her and tried to hide from my looks but later she gave up.

How is the chapter guys?

Hope you are enjoying the story 😍😍

Till next episode bye Friends.

Happy reading 😍

Sorry guys actually previous updated one was repeated at one place so i reedited it.

Thanks to my friend😍😍 who told me and made me to correct

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