chapter 37

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I am so happy this book reached #6 in chicklit.
This is all bcoz of your support. Thanks to all my readers. Keeping supporting me.

This chapter is not edited hope you don't mind.

Here is your update enjoy reading😍😍

Karthik pov

I called Kumar and asked him to make preparations of lunch at my guest house.

I am waiting for her in my office. It's already 1 hr I have called her. Where is she? I am getting so restless.

Ridima pov

I don't know why he left leaving me alone. Unknowingly tears came out this is the first time I am crying for a person.

I called him many times but he ignored my calls so I texted him hopping that I will attend the call I called him again and he attended the call.

I don't know what to speak I tried my best to control my tears.

" Come home fast" I said and ended the call bcoz if I speak more he will understand I am crying.

I am crying and suddenly he came and hugged me asking
Why I am crying...? This time I immediately asked him why he left leaving me alone.

He wipped my tears and asked me to stop crying. This is first time I am hearing his pleading tone.

"Stop yaar I will never leave you again..." he said confronting me and taking me in his arms.

"Karthik....." I called him I don't know why I called him but this is the first time I am calling him by heart.

"" he said stammering and I can't control my laugh.

I caught his hand and pushed him to fresh up. I know he is shocked for my actions. I tried hard to preapare Aaloo poratha I felt that he will not eat but he eat without saying and left to office.

I am boored in home then he called me I am more excited when I saw the caller Id.

Ridu..come cool down why are exciting too much....control your feelings......I controlled my feelings and lifted the call.

"Come to office I am sending car" he said and ended the call.

What he mean by came to office? Why he is asking me to came to office? I am totally confused. This guy will never stop confusing me.

I went in to our room and opened my wardrobe thinking what should I wear? This is the first time I am going out as his wife and that to I am going to his office.

Shall I wear Jean's? No it's too worst idea how can I go out wearing jeans no shouldn't wear jean. I am searching for my dress then I found the cover I opened and saw the dress which he brought when we went for shopping.

I will wear is perfect but then I was taken back my idea as he didn't gave to me and wore another dress.

I wore an Red colour anarkali with a matching ear rings. I just applied a little makeup and eye liner.

I am ready and waiting for car. It's been half an hour I am waiting outside. I thought of calling him but then saw car coming.

I am getting more nervous but don't know why I am feeling like this.

"Mam we reached" Driver said and I got down.

I am talking little steps and then found Karthik coming.

Karthik pov

"Sir , Mam is waiting outside" driver said and I came outside the cabin rushing.

If anyone saw me like this running they will really think I have gone mad. But I don't care for others. I stopped seeing her in red dress. She is like an angle come from heven for me. I forget to blink.

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