chapter 36

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Hai my lovely readers. I am so happy today as this book is in#8 in chicklit.

It's bcoz all you guys...thanks for all your support. Keeping encouraging me.

Here is your update enjoy.....

Ridima pov

I don't know what this feeling is . His touch is making me forget everything. I asked him to leave me but after some time I kept silent as he increased his sweet torture. But I didn't understand why he is doing all this I have to say that I  didn't remember any thing at that time. 

Then we heard the calling bell ringing and then I asked him to leave me but he is not even responding and pestering kisses all over  my face. I am lost in the sensation created by him.

"Karthik leave na....some one is waiting outside " I said without knowing what I am saying.

"Mission accomplished biwi" He said blowing air on her face and I punched him hard and went out.

Did I punched him? No problem after all what he have done punching is a simple thing.

Stupid, Idiot oh....god I don't know more words to scold him. How can he do like that to make me call his name. I got anger for  what he did. He will be dead in my hands. Again calling bell rang and this added more to my  irritation.

I went to open the door and it's  Mr. Kumar his PA.

"Mam can you call Karthik sir" he asked me.

I asked him to come in and he settled on sofa. I went in and thought to go to room to call him but taken back as I can't face him after what has happened.

"Karthik come downstairs your PA is waiting for you" I shouted from downstairs.

But their is no response and I shouted again to come down.

After a couple of minutes he responded.

"Yes coming ask him to wait for few minutes" he shouted as I did.

I offered water to him and he is waiting for him. I walked to kitchen and prepared Maggie as I am anger on him.

I heard he is talking to Kumar then I understood that he came downstairs.

"Sir are you coming to office today" he asked him.

Tell him that I will come please Mr. Rude I am praying to god.

"Will come late" he said and Kumar left.

I heard his foot steps and my heart begin to run as a kangaroo.

"What are you doing Ridima?" He asked and I turned towards him opening my mouth wide.

"Don't wonder that much" he said smirking and I closed my mouth.

"Go and fresh up" I said and he stared taking steps towards me.

"No....go and get fresh up please" I am saying involuntarily.

"What no I am coming to take bottle from refrigerator. What are you thinking?" He asked winking.

"Nothing you go and fresh up" I said again and this time he went upstairs.

I am waiting for him. Then he came down he is wearing casual clothes. He is wearing red t-shirt and a night pant. He is looking more than handsome in red t-shirt:)

I stopped to blink my eyes. I am lost in watching him. This is the first time I am feeling  about a man like this. How can he be this handsome? What ever the outfit he wears  he will be looking damn hot.

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