chapter 9

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Ridima pov:

I didn't find any way to talk with my father. He is near to me but accompanied by my family members.

What if he shouts after telling all this?

No i can't tell him now and moved with my family to his family. I don't know where my life is leading to .

We are travelling to his house. It took 1 hr to reach there. We stopped at a big mansion decorated with beautiful flowers.

I stepped in and we are welcomed by his family and then I found him who is looking at me . Why he always kills me with his looks . I ignored him as usually   and moved with my mom .

We all were seated and now all my cousins are teasing me with his name .

Now I am feeling sad for their teasing and for all this.

I decided to ignore and just kept smiling.

It was then when I saw he is walking with Amrith and Nandu towards me.

What shall I do now? How can I escape from him . As they are approaching me, my heart beat  started to rise. I composed myself and looked towards them.

" So Ridu are you enjoying the function " asked my jiju

" Of course she will Amrith.. as she is with  her beloved " Nandu said making fun of me.

All together laughed for his stupid joke . My attention was caught by Mr.rude. who is looking at me as he is gonna eat me with his stupid eyes. I lowered my gaze .

" Dude are you going to kill her by your looks " asked Nandu I wondered how Nandu Bhai said exact words which are in my heart :)

Making everyone laugh again. We all were called by his mom as the function is going to start in a few minutes.

I am standing beside Saru and suddenly my mom caught my hand and made me to sit beside him.

I looked at him who is sitting in a bussiness attire and he is looking too handsome in his suit .
To say he looks more handsome in formal wear . I can assure he will have a huge list of girlfriends and has been in relation with many girls and agrees to marry an innocent girl like me.

He smiled  at me . I just awarted my gaze from him. His smile can drag any girls heart towards him. But to my wonder he smiled at me and that to for the first time Ohh my god!!

So Mr.Rude knows how to laugh omg.

We both are given rings I fellen in love with our two beautiful couple rings but this ring will make me belongs or to say ties to him forever which I don't want..

For the first time in my life I feel void even though so many people are surrounded by me and the most important thing is I am feeling like this because of the person I am going to marry. I never expected or imagined that I will face such an stupid situation this is the worst movement of my life I want to end this now I can't take it anymore. I want to shout aloud that I am not interested in this marriage before I can do anything I saw ring on my forefinger.

So he kept ring to me and now its my turn. I am still lost in my thoughts kepping ring in my hand and still thinking how to escape from this .

My mom came to me and stroke me and then I came to my senses and kept ring to his finger.

Everyone wished us. The worst part of engagement is photos . If i have a knife in my hand i would have killed that photographer who is asking stupid poses . I am irritated even if he sees me but now he is touching me :(

we all had our lunch and now he is not around me and I'm feeling happy to find him away from me.

Meanwhile, my sister dragged  me in to a room and she ran away locking the room.

I am knocking the room and suddenly it opened and entered the most rude , most handsome,most arrogant, the great bussinessman karthik chouhan .

I stepped back and he continued to move forward...

So guys how is the chapter?

Why karthik came to meet Ridima?

What will happen next? Keep guessing guys?

Happy reading. 😍😍

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